The skeptic reached for First Day's wings to prove they were not real. Steven understood his disbelief, if he was a little more bold he would have done the same. However the angel, though unintentionally, proved to the skeptic boy that she was real when she enveloped the boy in one of her wings. Steven could see in the skeptic that he was definitely feeling whatever loving aura First Day was emanating. Steven could only wonder what it felt like. After unintentionally 'schooling' the skeptic boy, Angel proceeded to explain 'Disorders'. Something that causes problems with the fabric of reality though their real threat is being hosts to 'True Devils' which causes much more destruction before First Day's kind could intervene. The angel paused after this to let the information to sink in. Steven could see why First Day was doing this though he wondered why don't the angels deal with the Disorders themselves. Apparently, First Day and her kind are bound by 'Ancient Rules' which forbade them from dealing with the problem. Interacting humans with was also a special occasion and the humans before First Day were, according to her, very special. The criteria was unknown even to the angel though she, according to her, knew that these young people were the right people. They had the choice to decline though and no consequence nor harm shall befall them. [color=fff79a]"My Lords and Ladies, I, On The First Day, humbly ask you to accept this task, and to do everything in your power to assist us."[/color] The Angel finished with a deep bow, and her wings briefly glowed golden. Suddenly, Steven's mind was assaulted with information about the vastness and variety of the multiple universes, the hints of the appearance of a Disorder and most of all, what Steven's power was like. It was always his favorite power since it was incredibly useful in most situations and it was fairly adaptable. Despite its destructive nature, it was always up to the user whether to be that way or opt for a more peaceful approach. Steven smiled. This was his one chance to change his life to something more louder and exciting. To cure his loneliness. Two others have already agreed. "Count me in too." Make that three.