[quote=@Trillovinum] Well potentially the Karilac could drive the Nur'Xal ships away from their positions over the fortress. If they manage, no amount of groundside defenses can stand against heavy orbital bombardment. Granted It'd be a though slug but the results could be worth it for the Seraphim and their alies. They'd best do it soon though since I fear the Nur'Xal won't be on the defensive for much longer. Meanwhile the Kimo will just quietly sit on the sidelines and be about their usual buisness. [/quote] While this is somewhat true, you also have to consider the 'Risk vs Reward' factor. While it is true that driving away the Nur'xal fleet and orbital bombarding their ground fortress may be beneficial to the Seraphim's, what do the Karilac really get out of it? The Seraphim's are a pre-space race that don't really seem to have much to offer as a vassal/client race. Sure, offering one of the factions of their war supplies and advice is easy enough to do because its low risk with pretty good returns, but armed intervention is a whole different ball game. The Nur'Xal are only here in force because of religious reasons. The actual planetary resources mean absolutely nothing to them beyond the fact that there is a race that needs to be enlightened here.