[i][b]Chocobo[/b] - Awesome, can't wait! [b]Elvenoff[/b] - Hahha, I love your character! I will have to talk with my other GM before we accept you! [b]Dragonbud[/b] - Good start :D ----- Some announcements for everyone: Just a friendly reminder that this roleplay will be starting in VIRGINIA, USA. LoneSilverWolf and I have quite a lot of events and story archs in the works- so don't worry about things becoming too stagnant. :) We got a lot up our sleeves! Also, I'd like to reiterate that this roleplay will be pretty light-hearted and comedic at times. Think Borderlands or Fallout mixed with Tremors. We want moments that make us cry with laughter, and moments that make us cry with emotion. :) Thanks guys! [/i]