[@ReaptheMusic][@PaulHaynek][@Pure493] Razielle stares at the girl. How does she know what she is? Off of some impulse that the young girl put upon her, Razielle draws back her hood and pulls off her boots as well as her gloves. Her metal legs now exposed and shining, she turns to Yuri and says, "If you need a safe haven, there is a small empty building a few blocks from here. It is possible for us to hang out there for a moment until we find something safer." She jerks her chin toward the unconscious in Lee's arms. Pressing her hand to her heart and holding it out to them in a respectively gesture, she says, "I am Razielle. I can help heal him if you would like, but we need to go now." She glances around nervously as people look at her and stare at her metal legs and arm. She rolls her shoulders uncomfortably and looks to Lee. "You know what I am and you know what I can do. This place is one of the safest that is nearby." Her voice is quiet so most people except the young cyborgel in front of her can't hear her. "Please, let us go."