Alister had merely been idling in her home ever since he woke up, awaiting Aria to return from her classes as he himself sought only shelter within the comforts of her bedroom. Of course he was curious, not having had any proper contact with anyone... It had at least been a while. A while since he could be relaxed, not worried as opposed to wandering the night's veil in hunger and desparity. He had even found himself among his own kin, though severely smaller groups than his glory days. They were less... Refined, they were more like savages, having only violence and blinding pride. They wouldn't understand the value of words, how it's a fine sword that only need one's mind to sharpen it. He looked down upon himself, resting merely on the soft beddings of Aria as his minds wandered. He looked rather bland if anything, besides his red eyes and fangs. He also put aside any other supernatural powers he might have too, but he really just seemed like a man in the crowd. He could only think of how he used to wander a great many lands when he was himself, his own body and form, scarred and unlike most men today. Alister's gaze raised to the floor as he pushed away the deep thoughts, quirking at the sound of the front-door opening. He sniffed the air lightly, but then quickly realised Aria's arrival at last. His eyes soon met her's as he casually laid over the beddings, the usual akward smile as he raised a hand to gently wave. "Morning, dearest Aria."