Ray strolled outside into the courtyard and sighed. He looked back at the lab building with a set of sorrowful eyes. He had told Anderson off in a fit of anger becaise of his stupidity. Although his use of sense was unbased, he still did not deserve it. [i]Oh, so now your regretful, that's sort of sad don't ya think.[/i] Ray chuckled to himself. "Is it really sad to be sorry about something?" Ray mumbled to himself. [i]That depends of the circumstances. And this is one of those circumstances when it is sad. He deserved it, he choose to follow his heart, not use his brain.[/i] "Sometimes following you heart is not so bad." He said so himself. [i]So now your going back on your own principals.[/i] Ray sighed and shook his head, standing here and arguing with himself was getting him nowhere. Ray looked twoards the cafeteria and felt his stomach grumble. He unfortunately had not taken breakfast, this would have been the perfect opportunity for him to indulge himself. [i]What about your patrol partner?[/i] "I'll take it to go." he ansered with a smile. Ray started off to the cafeteria and in a few strides he was in front of the doors. He could here a commotion coming from the inside. Ray raised and eyebrow, was there a food fight? Even if there was, he was supposed to stop it anyway. Ray took a deep breath and yanked open the doors. Ray could not explain the scene that was taking place on the inside. Absolute was half naked and was launching icicles at another boy who used flames to counter the attack. Ray noticed that teachers were inside that cafeteria, so it must have been allowed. Ray shrugged and walked right through the fight, dodging the fire and ice, using the wind to push the incoming attacks away from him. "Sorry." He said as he waved and Absolute and the fire man. [i]Maybe your social skills are worse than I originally predicted.[/i] Ray grabbed his generic rice and fish and walked through the fight once again, dodging the attacks again. He did notice the floating tabled but ignored them, if the teacher was here, then it must have been allowed. Ray took a seat not to far from the fight and began eat his lunch. [i]Maybe your should stop them.[/i] "Nah." He said to himself despondently. "I would rather enjoy the fight." He mumbled quietly. This was a perfect way for him to get rid of his guilty feelings. [@Tyrant from the West] [@Masaki Haruna]