[hider=Diego Julius Bellasquez & Agni][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT][i]Diego Julius Bellasquez & Agni[/i][/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][i]Diablo, Mago vulgar, Engendro del infierno[/i][/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]17[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'9ft[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]166[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New Student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Amber[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Mexican, Colombian, Dominican, Spanish, Greek, & French[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Diego has the looks of a thug, or tough guy, but his personality betrays that. A rather fit boy that is of average height for his age at 5'9 and weighing an approximate 166 pounds. Diego has a light muscle tone on his body. No where near bodybuilder, but he looks like the time who does work. It widens his body a little bit. . Diego is a teenager that appears to be Hispanic, but isn't exactly. Because of an interracial relationship between his great-grandparents, he has Caucasian in his roots. But because their children primarily got married to Hispanic people, those Caucasian roots got rather overshadowed. To be exact, Diego is Mexican, Colombian, Dominican, Spanish, Greek, & French. One thing that has become a trait among his family is their large, pronounced, square noses with thick, nose bridges. The whole nose is triangle shaped from the side. I wouldn't say that it's their most attractive feature, but yeah. Diego has one of his own naturally. It looks disproportionate with the rest of his sharp facial features, and therefore, sticks out much more. In contrast to his thin, rather pokey, lips, medium sized ears that stick out somewhat, and small, squared (with a cleft), chin, and a sharp jawline, with a rather dull and unnoticeable jaw. All topped off with medium-sized amber eyes, that usually convey Diego's sense of regret, and more. One thing about Diego is that he doesn't do a good job at hiding his emotions. Usually his facial expression gives it away, but his overall body language also conveys his emotions. He constantly appears as if he's someone who always has a little something on his mind. His eyes are a little dark, which gives away that he doesn't sleep too often as well. He has a head of straight deep-black hair, cut short, and styled into a choppy, messy, hairstyle. Along with a faint, growing, mustache on his upper-lip. But enough about the boy's face, time to describe his body. He's very thin, and doesn't have too much fat or muscles packed on him. However, he's kept thin from his physical activities such as playing basketball and running, so he doesn't so much as sits on his ass all day. Diego's skin is a off-white, somewhat tan, color, and is clear that he isn't exactly white if someone examines him. Like everyone, he has scars on his body, all of which have stories of their own. From scarred knuckles, to various knife wounds on his arms (From apparently small blades), and various other brutal scars. He doesn't like talking about them, and usually changes the subject. However, Diego has symbols and markings on his body that resemble tattoos. They aren't true tattoos, when he got his power, these markings appeared on his body. Starting at his wrists, he has a network of fire symbols that appear very similar to tribal tattoos that go up his body, and encompass his chest, and go down to his ankles. Whenever he activates his power, these symbols start glowing, and combust into flames. Just to keep people from getting suspicious about his body, he tells them that they're tattoos.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Diego dresses quite formally, not really for flash, more of for comfort and appearing presentable. He wears jackets, and coats quite often, even in the summertime. Since he can pretty much wear whatever he wants to, whenever, because heat doesn't bother him, and he's so hot that he can shrug off the cold. He prefers that his attire is a black color, or merely a darker shade of an existing color. One of his favorite things to wear is a black sweater, with a jean jacket over that. Usually he wears a basketball/baseball or a beanie cap on his head. Always hanging off his neck is a necklace with a large silver cross at the end.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT] An atoner. Someone who has committed a crime like no other, and has to live with it, trying to make up for that one mistake. He spends a bit of time thinking about it, and naturally has a lot of guilt associated with it. It's something that changed him, that haunts him. The kind of thing that keeps him up at night because he can't go to sleep, and when he can, he wakes up because of the dreams. It used to be different a while back, when he was angry, proud and confident. The kind of kid that would bully kids and push them around just because it made him feel tough. But he left that attitude behind. That said, Diego is a bit of a recluse. He doesn't exactly talk to people anymore like the way he used to, he's quiet, and only speaks when he has something to say. However, he does keep a conversation going to the best of his ability. He's well-spoken, and very kind. He treats people with respect until they prove they deserve otherwise. He's humble, and leaves his ego at the door, and that's something that people can tell. While Diego isn't super charismatic, he can be a great shoulder to cry on because he's quite empathetic. People sometimes get the impression that he is aromantic/asexual due to how little concern he shows for romance. He isn't truly either of those, but he doesn't exactly do well with the ladies anymore. It's almost like his sexuality is nonexistent, and as if he never talked to a gal. He is, sexuality-wise, straight as an arrow. He still likes the taco underneath it all. Diego has a strong desire to help those around him, and heavily believes in taking responsibility for one's actions. It's that strong, driven, sense of morality that signifies that he's a changed man. One could call him idealistic, but Diego is in it to help other people. Even if the (main) reason is that he wants to redeem himself in his own mind. Diego is noticeably uncomfortable around the male gender. He doesn't interact with them that well, and tends to act rather defensive towards a male, especially the more aggressive looking ones. He treats women, and children much better. But one thing that sets him off is a male touching him. He's paranoid, wondering who will attack him first. Which is why he tends to keep his guard up at all times. Diego fears prisons, and jails, he'd do anything to stay out of one. Diego isn't exactly leadership material, he merely doesn't have the mindset to lead others. But what he lacks in leadership, he makes up for in sheer usefulness and determination. One thing he can't stand is a bully, no matter what size or shape they are - merely because that was a reflection of what he used to be. He doesn't believe that he should let anyone go through the same things he put on other people, so he's quick to stand up to a bully. Even if it puts himself at risk. Whenever people bully/prank him, he rarely retaliates or tells on anyone. Because that's what he feels as if he deserves it for what he did to other people, and what he's brought onto his own family. Diego is a Christian, his family is heavily Christian, but he had ignored their teachings in the past. He has changed his ways and now follows the Bible and it's teaching to help redeem himself. His faith in God and his kindness is unwavering, and will forgive others of their wrongdoings. His religious beliefs aren't as extreme as some standout examples. Diego treats people with respect no matter of their sexuality, gender-identity, or religion. He doesn't believe in certain things, but that's no reason to look down on others. Everyone is only human. However, deep inside of him, that innate cruelty and anger remains. In fact, one could say that he's gotten even angrier. The shit he's seen, it made him cruel, it hardened him. All the emotions he felt have been bottled up, and have been eating away at him for years. He barely talks to anyone about what he feels because he doesn't feel as if he has the right to anymore. It's something he got himself into, and something he has to deal with himself. But his involuntary manslaughter charge... his time in prison... If the boy is pushed hard enough, he could lose it and inch closer to a breakdown. Or, alternatively, he's finally going to snap and release all of those emotions on the fool unfortunate enough to test him. On the other side, there is Agni... The voice in Diego's head. The demon on his shoulder - when he has no angel. Agni is a being in Diego's mind that was created by his power. Whom Diego's calls the representation of his guilt and sins. Agni is a cruel being that is much less pleasant than Diego. He's constantly whispering into the boy's ear, attempting to get him to do his bidding. Whether it be good or bad is the question. Arrogant, and more concerned with flexing his strength, Agni is quick to suggest violence and pushes Diego to fight. When the boy would rather passively take what is dealt to him. Agni is proud of his immense strength and fire-power, and wants to prove it to the world. Through Diego of course. Agni is constantly at war with Diego for their quite different ideals. Differing ways to go about things. Where Diego employs diplomacy, Agni would use intimidating. While Agni cannot physically take control of Diego, he has quite the way to bargain. While Agni and Diego don't get along, Agni does care about the boy. They are one and the same, and if one falls, the other will to. Which is why he'll go out of his way to preserve Diego. As it's impossible for Agni to truly be killed. The one thing that Agni fears is being made a slave, to Diego, or anyone for that matter. Which is why he's so aggressive and angry. He wants the world to know that he will be anyone's slave.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Diego is quite versed in the musical area. He was taught by his grandmother, who was a musical prodigy, to play the guitar and it's something that stuck with him from his youth. While he hasn't had the opportunity to practice/play it in two years, it's something that he falls back on, to convey his emotions. Being a native Mexican, Diego is great at speaking Spanish, but he has also spent a majority of his life in America. Therefore he nearly has the entire language down. The last skill is that, while Diego has no martial arts training, he is a pretty good fighter. He put plenty of people on their asses, and has fought on his own terms with martial artists. One of Diego's favorite things to do is play Basketball. He's quite talented for his age, and he believes he could have gone pro.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]His Alvarez Artist Series ABT60 Baritone Guitar. Which was a gift from his grandmother a few years before she died to death.[/INDENT] [b]Quotes:[/b] [INDENT][i]"I'd give anything to keep my conscious clean." "I don't know everything, but I know everything burns...."[/i][/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Diego Bellasquez - His Origins][INDENT]Diego J. Bellasquez was technically born in Mexico alongside his twin brother Alejandro, but moved to America shortly after - with their older sister, Lupe coming along too. His father was a talented Engineer that worked in Mexico before he got a job in America. They lived in the city of San Francisco. Unlike the rest of his family, who grew up out of the states, Diego and his brother had grown up in America. So there wasn't so much adjusting as there was developing in the states. Though, he and his family visited Mexico plenty of times. So he managed to experience plenty his supposed homeland for himself. During all of his visits, he was given impromptu guitar lessons from his Grandmother, who used to play in a band and was incredibly talented. Diego and all his siblings were naturals when it came to the guitar. To the point where their Grandmother gave each of them guitars that she used in her past. Which became a hobby that Diego resorted to whenever he couldn't go outside, or engage in other activities. That said, Diego and Alejandro's life was rather... eventful. He and his brother were given a bit too much freedom because their father spent too much time at work to be a role-model, and when he was home, he didn't bother. His mother wasn't strict enough to be a good mother either, she gave them too much freedom. Which caused some problems for them later on, once they attended school. They found themselves getting mingled with the bad crowd, the ghetto kids. The kind of kids that caused trouble for everyone and misbehaved. Because of the media glorifying their activities, and peer pressure, Diego and Alejandro were interested in becoming part of them. That's where it all went wrong for the two. Sure, as they moved along with their classes, they became the "popular" kids, but they also viciously bullied other kids for no reason other than the fact that it made them feel powerful, feared, and that they can do whatever they want to. They targeted kids that were weird and strange, or outcasts, and were truly merciless. They pranked them, they insulted them, and when they could go away with it, they physically beat them. This continued for what had to be years, except they changed targets since their victims tended to skip school. They rarely got punishments other than spending a bit of time in detention. They didn't really focus on their academics, they got enough to pass, and that's what kept them out of the eyes of their parents. One peculiar thing that happened to his family was his twin brother and sister developing powers. His sister gained the power to create an energy, and Alejandro gained a icy-minion he could summon at will. Diego didn't have any powers, but he felt as if he meant he was normal, and his siblings were freaks. Which caused a bit of a drift between the three siblings. As Diego didn't feel anymore different from them than the moment they got their powers. He continued with his previous activities of bullying nerds without his brother - who did the same without Diego. It didn't matter, long as the boy could remain a top-dog. As he progressed through school, he felt unstoppable. Like he was the king of the school. Merely because he kept the uglies of the school down where they belonged. Diego had continued through middle school with his activities. Using his bullying and his basketball talents to get himself in with the popular kids. He was living large. But all that changed one schooldays, so did his entire life. During the tail-end of his middle-school run, when he was almost fifteen, he had taken it too far. He was currently bullying a boy who had a severe case of claustrophobia. One particular prank he had thought was funny involved throwing this kid into the supply closet and not letting him out. The boy had screamed in terror and banged on the door begging Diego to let him out, when the boy had a heart attack and sadly died. When the boy's cries for help stopped, so did Diego's laughter, he opened the door and saw the boy's dead body flop onto the floor. Diego was hysterical, and desperately shook the boy to try to get him to wake up, but it was far too late. It was all a joke! Nobody should have gotten killed. Diego was taken by school staff, where he was left in the principal's office until the police came and taken him to the station. It was an incident that spread fast through his neighborhood, even gotten a mention on the news. It was a massive scandal among the Bellasquez family. Diego could face jail time for what he did. His family argued for ages, shifting blame to one person to another, while he rotted in a cell. He contemplated what he did over and over again. To say the least, what happened fucked him up big time. He lied in that cell, near catatonic, letting whatever happened to him happen. That was when it happened, the flames of Agni being sparked for the first time. In the cell, the boy combusted into a wreath of flames, and every movement Diego took spread more of the flames around. He created so many flames, which would have burned down the jail if the sprinkles hadn't come on. The fires were extinguished, but symbols of flames had burned themselves into Diego (Which were obvious since he burned his clothes off). Diego himself had fallen unconscious, and was past out until he woke up in the hospital (Handcuffed and duct taped to the table). That was where they had determined he was a Meta-human, and delegated the boy to the local Meta-human enforcement Agency. But Agni loomed over his mind. Taunting him, and communicating with him. Haunting him.... The fated day of trial had come, and it was the worst day of his life. Diego was charged with involuntary manslaughter, and sentenced to two years in prison. He nearly broke down on the spot. As they dragged him away, he felt as if it would be the last time he would ever see his family. He was sent to a special Supah-human prison for youths that abused their powers. Kids that killed, stole, and abused the powerless, with their powers. Diego tried to bide his time, but he was always fighting. People thought that he was weak, and with the help of Agni, he quickly ended those sentiments. On the side, he was receiving proper training with his power under the careful instructions of the staff. Training him to use his powers properly, and what will happen if he loses control. They didn't need to teach him what would happen if he abused it - he would come right back here. The prison was hell, almost everyone was their own kind of vicious. While Diego only wanted redemption. All Diego wanted to do was find a way out, any way. He considered suicide, but the first attempt was quickly stopped by Agni. Whom vowed never to let Diego threaten their combined existence. The two years that passed in there were the hardest of Diego's life, but the only relief he received was the visiting hours when his family came to see him. It was hard talking to them, but they were his hope, his optimism. What kept him going. However, a year into his sentence, his father and brother stopped visiting. With his mother telling him that they wanted nothing more to do with Diego. That hurt him, but he knew that someone was still rooting for him in the form of Lupe and his own mother. He fought, he learned, he worked, he grew - with his demon constantly over his shoulder. Diego didn't let everything get to him. He promised himself that he would change for the better. He would change the world for the better. But, a few months before the current events of the story, Diego was finally released from prison. A changed man. He went home and expected to see his entire family, however, he was told the truth a few weeks later. It was salt in the wounds. Alejandro, his twin brother, had become a violent child and gotten himself involved in a gang. During one gang battle, his father got in the middle of it in an attempt to save Alejandro. However, an electricity manipulating meta fried the two of them. Sending his father into a coma, and killing Alejandro. His twin brother... dead? This forced Diego into hiding for a few weeks. Thinking about what happened, and pondering it over with Agni. He thought about it, and finally decided to keep moving. More dedication towards his goal of getting better. He wished he could have saved Alejandro, but he knew that his brother had spiraled out of control. Alejandro choose that life, and he suffered the consequences. Even if he did survive, it would have been likely Diego would have had to put him down himself. Diego began attending church again, helping in soup kitchens, and being a help to his community. He felt like he was on the path to redemption. Though, it was difficult with Agni taunting him constantly. However, he was sent an invitation to the Pavilion Academy. He didn't want to go, since he rejected the demon on his shoulder... but his mother simply wanted to get him, and his sister, out of their house. Because both of them had brought a great deal of shame and stress upon the family. So they were enrolled against their will and sent to Academy 218. Ready for a new adventure.[/INDENT] [/hider] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Father - Joseph Bellasquez Jr. (Comatose) Mother - Juliet Bellasquez Grandmother - Cecilia Bellasquez (Deceased) Grandfather - Joseph Bellasquez Sr. (Deceased) Older Sister - Lupe Bellasquez (Meta-human. Has an energy.) Twin Brother - Alejandro Bellasquez (Meta-human. Had a Cyrokinetic-Entity. Deceased.)[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Lupe Bellasquez[/b] | [b]Mixed[/b] | [b]Sister[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"I... sometimes don't know what to think of Lupe anymore. She changed, I changed. We're two different people now. She would rather act like a fool than give me any attention."[/i][/color] | [b]Casper Hayat[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Room-mate[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"He looks pretty young... He's strange, introverted even. Still, above all else, he is kind. I'd rather have him as my room-mate than anyone else."[/i][/color] | [b]Creed Boggs[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Douche[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"I shouldn't have picked a fight with him like that... I don't know about him, but whatever I give him - I'm certain he has it coming."[/i][/color] | [b]Cassidy Daniels[/b] | [b]Good?[/b] | [b]Friend?[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"I don't know what to think of her. I first got the idea that she was some trickster that was ready to play me. She... changed my perception of her when she fought the monster alongside me."[/i][/color] | [b]Titus MacArthur[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Strong-Man[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"Don't know what to think of him, really. He rushed in to fight a monster and nearly got his leg ripped before we had to help him. He's headstrong, and doesn't think things through."[/i][/color] | [b]Beth Carson[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Little Girl[/b] | [color=f26522][i]"I don't know her all that well, but she helped us in the fight against the monster. Which means she's good in my book."[/i][/color] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental & Cerebral[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Pyrokinetic-Entity. [/i] [INDENT]Little Diego here is the next inheritor of a powerful flame entity known as Agni, named after the Hindu God of flames. He is invisible to all forms of detection except for mental powers, and maybe thermal senses (Diego has an abnormally high body heat), until he chooses to manifest outside - but more on that later. To someone who isn't too versed on Superpowers, it is vague what Agni is. They interpret him as a demon, or a spirit. In actuality, Agni is the manifestation of Diego's power that is capable of being transferred to the next suitable body (In this case, the first male born of the Bellamonte family). Agni is a cruel being that feeds off of Diego's negative emotions to gain power. He is extremely stubborn, and refuses to be made subservient. It will be hard to get him to loan his power, as Agni can only be bargained with. However, can be convinced to cooperate, making himself equal with Diego. Getting onto his capabilities, has an array of pyrokinetic abilities: Agni can manifest in the real world at will. Agni is a massive being that appears to truly demonic. Massive, at ten feet tall, has a humanoid appearance with a very similar anatomy to humans. Appearing to be made out of jet-black magma rock and obsidian. That takes the shape of thick, bulging, muscles in his arms, with washboard abs. Agni has wide cracks all over his body that let out an orange light. He is surrounded in a wreath of flames that makes Agni appear to be much thicker. Agni does not possess legs, everything below his waist is merely a swirling mass of flames much like a Dijinn. Agni's arms are massive, they are three-feet thick, and are topped off with five enormous claws that are much like eagle-talons. To top off his intimidating frame, Agni's head is the shape of a cow-skull, with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, and two massive horns. Yeah, Agni looks pretty fucking scary. What are his capabilities? Agni more or less has the usual firebending techniques. Manipulation of fire, creating fire with a thought, and minor-heat manipulating abilities. Now, this might be a given, but Diego and Agni are immune to all forms of heat-based damage. They can use a fucking volcano like a hot tub. Agni can summon powerful fire-storms that stretch far and wide, create flames of a hotter and more intense variety, and shape his fire. The usual. It's possible for Agni to propel Diego by shooting off enough flames like a jet. Agni also has minor-heat manipulation techniques, such the ability to absorb heat from his environment. Which can be useful for extinguishing his flames, cooling down an area, or putting a little extra heat behind his flames. He can also simply produce heat without the flames. He can turn an area boiling hot if he's given enough time. Agni also posses immense physical strength, which means getting close to him is not a good idea. However, Agni can gift Deigo with these pyromancer abilities if the boy bargains with him. Allowing the boy to use his power without manifesting and revealing himself. Basically, Diego can everything Agni can do. When Diego's using the pyromancery, he's a typical fire-bender, however, how much strength he has depends on how much Agni chooses to give him. He can have rather powerful pyromancery if he convinces Agni, but if Agni doesn't feel like it, he won't be able to make anything bigger than a spark. As a side effect of this, Diego has limited healing abilities, as Diego's body is so hot that bacteria simply gets vaporized. Even when contained, Agni can somewhat control flames. He won't be creating fire-storms, but he can do a neat-trick. He can project himself into a flame, creating a talking image of himself that can communicate with others. Only used if he wants to speak to other people. Diego/Agni can also change their flames to any color. Useless, but a neat side ability.[/INDENT] Future Abilities... [i]Heat-Radar.[/i] [indent]Once manisfested, Agni has the ability to transform into a ball-like shape. With his upper body being turned into a large ball of fire (He'll have no arms/head, only his sexy[i] ABS[/i]). This form trades Agni's firebending for the ability to detect heat. It doesn't work the way you think it does. It acts a bit more like a compass. A flame will flicker off Agni towards a large enough source of heat. Directing both him and Diego towards it.[/indent] [i]Merged-Form.[/i] [indent]The very apex of their power, Diego and Agni can merge once they reconcile and agree on something. This form is, naturally, a combination of both their appearances. It has Diego's general shape, but he'll look like he's made of red magma-rocks. Magma rocks that are burning hot. His fingers will be replaced with sharp claws. His chest will have a glowing hot orb of fire, surrounded by his open ribs. Along with his head taking a more skull-like, with Agni's massive horns on the side of his head. The capabilities of this form are simple: trading control for raw fire-power. Diego's fire-generation will increase by a tenfold, but he'll lose the ability to directly control them. These flames are much much hotter than normal. Along with Agni's brute-strength, Diego will be quite powerful. In this state, Diego will also be able to resist biological-based powers.[/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]The most obvious limit is that Diego's power more or less has a mind of his own. He has no control over it, but it has control over him. He has to bargain with Agni to help him (Either directly, or by giving him fire powers). If he doesn't appease Agni, he could go powerless. Agni's a bit of a dick, and always wants something in return of giving Diego his power, so it'll be hard to reason with him at times. Agni can only move a radius of two meters around Diego, and his reach is around twelve feet. Heat-Radar mode removes Agni's fire-bending until he reverts back into his normal form. In terms of their combination-form, their ability to manipulate fire will be much weaker. They'll really only be able to shoot it off from themselves, and create flames. Diego and Agni can only be merged for so long, and afterwards they'll both be unable to do it for awhile.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]There's also the ostracism that may come with people knowing that Diego has what amounts to be a demon inside of him, giving him power. Now, onto the other weaknesses. While the pair are immune to heat, they aren't immune to the byproducts of the fire they create, such as smoke and burning up the oxygen. In fact, Agni manifesting in closed off areas is not recommended because his firey body burns up air so much that he can suffocate. If there's no air, Agni will immediately be destroyed, forced back into Diego to recover. Water is also a big weakness... obviously, but allow me to go in depth a bit here. If Diego is drenched in water, he is cut off from his powers until he is dry. If Agni gets drenched in water, Diego will be fine, but the water will drastically weaken Agni. Not destroy him, he's simply too hot to be destroyed unless submerged in water. If someone so much as splashes a cup of water on him, all of his abilities will be weaker (Not that weaker, but you get the point). Other fire-suppressing agents do the same thing. Agni's flame will also burn off Diego's "natural resources" such as the food and water he consumes, forcing him to eat more after a fight ends. Neither of them possess any defensive techniques, only offensive moves really. They can't really stop attacks. Now, Agni, while powerful in close and medium range, cannot take too much damage before he goes down - he'll be even squisher if he's wet. He takes damage normally, and cannot heal while manifested, so he has to retreat into Diego in order to heal. If he's destroyed, then Diego will be powerless until he recovers, which is usually a few hours. Any damage that Agni receives will also be reflected onto Diego in the form of a phantom pain. Mixed with his sheer-size and limited range, Agni is a big target that has a hard time dodging. So he'll have to rely on Diego for mobility. Agni using his Heat-Radar form deprives him of his pyromancery (But not [i]Diego[/i]). He'll be extremely vulnerable in this state, one strong enough blow and he'll be destroyed. Water will also be extra damaging. Now, their combined form has a few weaknesses of it's own. Once merged, their mentality becomes single-minded, and angry. They'll throw tactics out of the window and just go crazy. Of course, a clever opponent could just take advantage of that. The orb in their chest is a weakpoint. One strong enough blow to it will immediately take them out of their combination (However, they'll be able to merge again after they recover). The combination is extremely powerful... too powerful. If they stay in it too long, then they will begin the ashing process and die a slow and awful death. After they separate, both of them will be vulnerable. As Agni will be effectively destroyed, so Diego won't be able to use his fire powers for awhile until Agni recovers. They'll also be pretty drained (Diego will need to eat and drink [i]a lot[/i]). Of course, submerging them in water will revert them out of it. Splashing them with enough water will do the same thing.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Despite being underaged, Diego is quite the smoker. He'll find private places to light up a cigarette and get that nicotine rush. It's pretty easy with fire powers. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n08zC5ATTFI[/youtube] [/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT][/hider]