[@Raijinslayer] [h1]Bang Constantine[/h1] The white-haired boy was quite fast. He somehow managed to go through Bang's keen sight, though Bang did manage to raise his gloves to block the attacks, straining his arms to propel the attack away from him. They didn't even pick a place to fight yet... At last, this opponent was not as fast as Baxton. With that said, the person seemed intent on counter-attacking right after he vaulted himself over him for some particular reason. Keeping the little vault move in mind, he shuffled his feet once before preparing his idle stance once more. As long as Akuma struck first, he would not receive that much damage due to his quick reflexes. After all, he defeated a Normalish who defeated a fair amount of Espers. With that said, he knew he had to remain alert if he wanted to remain standing. Bang decided not to try out Berserker Rage on Akuma, for while it had the potential to instantly end the battle, he did not want to put himself at risk of severely injuring anyone- including himself. Instead, he decided to focus on preparing Exturbo if the battle dragged on. Bang took a few steps to his side before slowly approaching Akuma. He then took one large Quagmire Step towards Akuma, stepping right up at his opponent's face, before preparing to strike. With his bare fists, Bang Constantine instantly sent twenty Phantom Punches at Akuma within two seconds. If the attacks were blocked, he would prepare to use Quagmire again and counter-attack immediately with an uppercut if Akuma decided to attack him instead of backing off for a brief moment to dodge the last of his attacks. If the attacks were not blocked and successfully connected, then Bang would finish the attack with an uppercut anyway. [b]Exturbo Charge: 1[/b]