Mark spotted a crazy girl and a kid walking back into town. He whispered to his mamodo "Pssst after those people! They look really weak, like their emotions will get the better of them." Mark sprinted like a mad-man toward the two, then leaping behind a building, gulping air into his oxygen deprived lungs. [i]Paul flew up into the sky, extremely high, soaring above the clouds. He pierced the air with his speed, unmatched by no other duck. He aimed down toward the pair, and stopped causing a gust of wind to hit their backs. Paul (In duck form) thwacked the mamodo with his wings, and quacked in her ear. "You can't get me!" He flew up into the sky out of her reach.[/i] As Paul was distracting them, Mark ran up from house to house, sneaking ever closer. He sprinted toward the boy with the book and lunged his eyes wild with fury "DIE!" He screamed