[quote=@liferusher] -wraps in towel- -pokes snowman- -enjoys melting of snow while poking- -starts to think- -scoops snowmans butt in bowl- -puts snow in microwave- -waits- [/quote] *Breaks out of town and runs into a freezer* WHY? Life what did I do to you? *Butt Implodes destroying Microwave* What is it and people and melting my butt? do you not know when you melt a snowman's butt it implodes. ALSO don't still my butt I need it for sitting on and growing a new hurts. Ahem please ask before taking parts of me. [quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] ...I just do not trust possums but a kangaroo is better. -walks back into the box- ...I wanna see the fangirl come out XD I am okay if you pick on Penn...his character is made to be picked on. XD -watches life as she does that- O-O [/quote] Really? Okay fair enough they are pretty feral buggers. Enjoy the snake with festive hat. You'll see it in time don't worry. Okay I'll make sure to pick on him a little with Katya or my other Chara who's still in the works.