[quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] Does the snake dance? Yay! Wow I am that mean for being happy to get my char to be made fun off XD [/quote] Why yes it dose, simply play some music and watch it go. Tsk, tsk how could you be so mean? And here I thought you where a nice human. XD [quote=@liferusher] -silent stares at snowman freaking out- -keeps staring at snowman while slowly raising a electric heater towards snowman- [/quote] *See heater eyes going wide* Okay life... no need to do anything hasty here. Just put the heater down and we can talk things out. Whatever the problem is you don't need to melt me. Please don't melt me I want to LIVE. LIIIIVVVVVEEEEEE. Look whatever you want I'll do it just don't melt me.