[quote=@nerminator] I'm a bit sorry on my part, I wasn't very clear about one of the rules I put down, so I posted them here 1 you may be any Servant from any TV show, history, gender-bents of said characters, alternate versions and so forth! 2 If your master commands you using a Command Seal, you better follow his orders 3 if your out of command seals, tuff luk 4 u 4 nothing beyond PG13. you may have kissing and hugging but anything past that is a big no no, 5 No OP characters, seriously, no mary sues 6 B level writing atleast, Seriously if I see anyone wr0tin liek dis expect to be given a warning or even worst. kicked out 7 [b]Put down Fate/generic name to show you read the rules[/b]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 8 no all caps either, IT REALLY HURTS MY EYES AND IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR SCREAMING LIKE A KID WHO FORGOTTEN WHAT CAPS LOCK DOES AND ACCIDENTALLY TURNED IT ON 9 if your going to kill someone PM them 10 there must be a even ratio of servants and masters, if there is a shortage of players you can be a servant AND a master 11 have fun...or else [@nookzer][@Kaithas] [/quote] I put Fate/President at the beginning of my profile. If you intended it to be Fate/Berserker, then I apologize.