Sasaki was not the type of person to take advantage of another's worry or kindness, not now or ever. Perhaps it was from some sort of pride or sense of duty as an individual. But on the other hand, it was very good food, fit for a king if he wanted to be overdramatic about it. "Hmm," Sasaki visibly pondered, hand-to-chin, furrowed brow and the whole shebang. However, as he pondered what his answer was to be, Kotori spoke up about attempting to settle the sparks of the flame of combat erupting behind them. Admittedly, though Sasaki was not the type for combat, at least not from his present-day moral standpoint, the itch to watch two combatants shedding blood on the field of battle was a great one. He'd made the choice to abstain from involving himself in such activities, but... that didn't extend to watching, did it? ...Still, it went against the spirit, so Sasaki figured that even that was off-limits. Even if one of the two combatants was one of Academy City's 18 Level 5 espers. It was probably for the best; Sasaki had hated fighting against thermokinetics of the 'not violating the laws of thermodynamics [i]too[/i] much'-type, moreso the pyro variety than than the cryo. Convection was a managable factor, but an absolute [i]bitch[/i] to close distance against. Same with telekinetics, but at least their abilities didn't sting as much. Speaking of telekinetics, there was Kotori. He'd upset her with his knee-jerk reaction, definitely. It wasn't exactly an obscure fact, what with the distinct not-using of her telekinesis to return her ball bearings and that bitten lip. It kind of pissed him off that there wasn't much he could do, considering that explaining was liable to tear down everything he'd worked for. Okay, maybe that was a bit [i]too[/i] dramatic a statement, but it was a valid concern for the giant. Cooking seemed to be something the girl was passionate about, so why not agree to her suggestion? It was totally and utterly selfless, and not at all a flimsy justification for a free, tasty meal ticket. No siree. But first, he watched the events unfold. Kotori seemed to possess more mental fortitude than he'd given her credit for on first impression. Sasaki sighed and disposed of his unwashed dishes and tray as the tables' screeching passed through his eardrums and began grating on his nerves. How admirable of her, attempting to do something to alleviate increasing tensions between the two belligerents. It was a futile effort, but admirable nonetheless. She'd at least managed to get them to depart from the cafeteria though. Convenient simply because burning the school building down wasn't exactly a desirable outcome. Once most of the students interested in that sort of thing departed - including Kazeno - it left Kotori and Sasaki, along with the two other students. "Namashiya-chan?" Sasaki piped up, from behind the timid girl, "I'd like to take you up on that offer." He was silent for another moment. "Ara... Good job, that was refreshingly unexpected of you," he added as a maybe-but-unintentionally-insulting afterthought, "Did you, by any chance, know that the girl was Rank 8 of the new Level 5s? You could have gotten hurt pretty bad, coming between an angry Five and her opponent like that." He spoke of that thought like one would of the weather: completely and utterly nonchalantly. "Fortunately they kept a..." [s]sunglasses[/s] "" [@Feisty-Pants]