Serena nodded at Anna's offer to have their 'girls day' even if it would consist of Gunner and Sebastian following them like a hawk. She also picked up of the fact that she didn't offer the mall, despite it probably having more options. Even with it being four years ago, Serena had no interest in going back to the place she had died. She smiled, "Sounds good to me," she looked down at herself and over her clothing, "I think more comfortable clothes are needed." Gunner's eye twitched slightly at the mention of leaving court. The good thing about the last two years was he had become very good at masking any emotion. He didn't want them to go. He didn't know what his mother was doing, the guardians hadn't reported anything in the last month and it worried him. With his friends going out of the wards there was the chance that she'd come after them... He took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright, the strip it is. I'll stick with Sebastian," he looked at the man, "I'm sure you won't be wanting to go far." Serena released Sebastian's arm and grabbed her coat, pulling it on, "You don't have to, Sebastian," she looked at him and smiled, "Anna is a great guardian and I'm pregnant, not incapable. If you have something you need or want, you can," she looked at Gunner, "We'll be fine." She started to do up her coat before realizing it was rather tight around her midsection and definitely showed off her bump. She sighed and undid her coat, "Seems I need a new coat as well..."