[i]Kotori[/i] - [u]Not-so-Invisible Songbird[/u] The steel tables that lingered between the two cantankerous children remained just so until the middle-school aged Esper decided to intervene. Quickly, rumors murmured through the cafeteria, and it was soon discerned that he in fact was actually a teacher! Kotori's face paled upon this realization as his gaze affixed upon her briefly. She had been noticed by a faculty member? [b]SHE HAD BEEN NOTICED BY A FACULTY MEMBER?![/b] So much for trying to just skate by in classes and remaining as invisible as possible! Immediate dread filled her mind as she watched the group walking away from the cafeteria. A final glance from the teacher made her cower as the tables were smoothly placed back to where they belonged; ending the use of her telekinetic ability rather abruptly while the crowd filed out. From what she saw in front of her, almost the entire group had filed out to watch the fight. A slow sigh escaped her, it seemed that the school itself was not much different from daily society. Everyone loves a good [i]bloody fight[/i]. Except for her. Sadly had never been a fan of fighting, and had considered it a waste of time which could be spent aspiring to greater heights. Except for a scant scattering of other students spread throughout the cafeteria, she had assumed that her both table-mates had left as well to observe the inevitable chaos. That was until a voice piped up behind her. Visibly jumping in surprise, she spun about in her seat to see the towering Sasaki standing now in front of her. With his acceptance of her offer to a daily breakfast, she nodded quietly as she cleaned up her polished bento box and sharply closed it. Tucking it back into her bag and hefting the leather-bound strap onto her shoulder, Kotori looked up to Sasaki as he casually talked about what she had done. She had known that they were both distinctly powerful people, Esper, Magician, Hybrid or otherwise; however, she didn't know about their rank. Wide-eyed in surprise as her mouth fell slightly agape, she could only stammer a response. [color=662d91]"I-I had n-n-no idea. I only did what I thought was right...t-to try and get the fight to an end or to get it so that other people wouldn't get hurt. Why...why a [i]teacher[/i] was allowing that to p-proliferate was beyond me."[/color] She put meekly at last, glancing up to the boy before bowing her head to cover her face with her bangs. [color=662d91]"S-SO! I...er, other than being able to eat mountains of food, what is your power? Since I s-showed you mine, it's only fair right?"[/color] With a suddenly horrified expression and realizing that she might have been a little too intrusive, her hands raised disarmingly in a frantic waving motion. [color=662d91]"But you don't have to if you don't want to! Sorry! I-I think I have class soon. I'll stop being a bother!"[/color] Bowing slightly, she hastily strode for the cafeteria's exit. So miserably worried was she that the studious girl didn't realize she had forgotten something. Instead, she relentlessly bombarded herself in her thoughts as she departed. [color=662d91][i]You screwed up again! What are you doing? Only ask things if they volunteer to answer your questions, you dolt![/i][/color] She had left her Grimm Fairytales on the cafeteria table. [@ Grey] [@ Styrgwyr]