[i][b][color=f08080] Ekaterina (Katya) [/color][/b][/i] The party proved to interesting to watch seeing all the people interacting made her wonder just what was everyone talking about and how many would become friends. It also made her wonder just how many people here would she come to know at her time at this academy. Katya hoped it would a few people she could become good friends with after all it be nice to have some normal friends that where not judging her all the time like her ones back home. Yawning Katya rubbed her eyes keeping herself in from freaking out was hard work and watching everyone wasn’t helping. Looking down at her lap Katya reached into her t-shirt and a small white orb, staring at it for a moment before retuning its home under her t-shirt. Seeing her orb always made Katya feel better. The orb was almost like a big round reset button for her emotional state. Almost Katya was very aware it was all in her head but seeing her orb did always make her feel better. But her anxiety was still there bubbling away from all the people near her. Letting out a big sigh Katya was about to get up and walk around the outer edges of the party to see if she could find someone on their own to talk to or maybe a nice quite corner away from all the others. As she was about to get up a boy wearing what looked like to be his pajamas got tripped over. Although she didn’t want to Katya could not help but snicker at the boy finding the sight pleased a side of her she didn’t like to show. A side of her that Katya tried to hide form nearly everyone. Only her father had seen this side of her and oddly enough he liked it saying it would be of use to her when she took over for him. Felling disappointed in herself for letting herself snicker at the boy, Katya hung her head in shame to do such a thing if front of other was simply not right… even if given the chance she’d of tripped the boy too simply because he was where pajamas. Not noticing the boy sit next time him Katya snickered again she as replayed the moment in her mind. Knowing she actually enjoyed seeing that made her sigh as she looked up only to notice the same boy was now sitting next to her. Muttering several cruse words in Russian aimed at whatever higher power may exist, Katya mentally sighed. Why did he have to sit next to her? Given he was interesting given he was only wearing pajamas; there was simply no way she could stop herself interacting with him. After all if it’s interesting you investigate it until it bores you. It was a simple way to deciding how to do things but for Katya it worked. Clearing her throat Katya tapped the boy twice on the shoulder closest to her to make sure he got this boy attention. [color=f08080]“Hello… are you being okay? Those mean people not hurt you?”[/color] she asked not really sure how to engage this interaction given she had just snicked at his misfortune and to be honest him appearance was pretty comical so she had to fight the urge to laugh at him.