[IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/nbyomw.png[/IMG] Anderson had set up a makeshift stand for bets in a surprisingly short amount of time, complete with a whiteboard for keeping track of the bets, decoration and girls in bunny costumes. Close by there was a refreshment stand selling drinks and snacks with maids manning the post. A few mean-looking men in sharp suits stood close by to both of the stands as more and more people came towards them, even without them saying a thing, everyone knew who they were. If it was one thing that was coming out of Anderson right now, it would be his Vegas side, "Alright ladies and gentlemen and people I won't care to name, step right up and let's bet! Who will win? The ice girl I'd hire in a strip club or the hot-headed punk who'd I'd hire in a gay strip club?" "How did he set all of this up in such short time?" "First stereos, now this..." "I wonder if any of the bunnygirls will give me their numbers, I'm calling dibs on the American!" "How many times as he done this to built it up so fast?" Anderson grinned to himself as a horde of student flooded his stands, waving money and shouting out their bets, [i]Too many times now.[/i] The bunnygirls and maid dashed, handing out drinks and slips of paper, occasionally "loosing" some of the money to a hidden box under the counter. The nice men in suits made sure nothing got too hectic as Anderson went back to broadcasting, "Streaker versus Something-creative-that-relates-to-fire-and-starts-with-a-S! Who will win this barely-legal fight? Place your bets here folks, double or nothing, triple or nothing or nothing at all, I've got you covered!" One brave loli bunnygirl climbed up next to Anderson and shouted out, "If you sign up for our Highroller Platinum cards, get twice the money you bet back!" The now-sizable crowd shouted many things at once. Some related to money, some about the loli on the counter, some about the maids and bunny girls. Anderson looked at the current standing, surprisingly, they were about even. "Everyone loves an underdog huh? Good thing I already know who wins."