[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7f/d5/3c/7fd53c0b1cce44701c0373a218fd604a.jpg[/img][/center] [center]First Name: [color=Firebrick]Daniel[/color][/center] [center]Last Name: [color=Firebrick]Rowans[/color][/center] [center]Age: [color=Firebrick]25[/color][/center] [center]Gender: [color=Firebrick]Male[/color][/center] [center]Race: [color=Firebrick]Pheonix[/color][/center] [center]Powers: [color=Firebrick]During his many years as a phoenix he has developed multiple powers as he has learned how to defend himself in this harsh world. His most notable power is pyromancy as he controls flames and his ability to contribute it to his ability as an illusionist, these flames can burn forever with some concentration but its heat cools down to a warm tolerable temperature. His specialty as a mentalist is tricking the minds of others and with the mesmerizing show he puts on with his flames. However, his other psychic abilities are less potent as over the years he had focused more specifically on his abilities as an illusionist. His ability as an illusionist is far superior from his pyromancy which only increases the effect of his illusions, which can create solid illusions and make them feel real. This feat however, takes a lot of concentration and drains his energy but shows his mastery as being an illusionist. He is so skilled with his powers of illusion that he can trap his opponents temporarily for a couple of minutes up to half and hour, but is painful as it causes migraines to happen after an hour of the use of this ability and death if used repeatedly. [/color][/center] [center]Backstory: [color=Firebrick]Not many people know who Daniel is as he has kept his identity safe with the use of his illusionist skill, erasing anything that would leak his true self. However, it is for sure that Daniel has lived for a long time as he has easily melded in with both the supernatural and the human world learning the best of both worlds while at the same time the worst. It was for that reason that he developed the use for his flames and had willed himself to wield his flames to a certain extent to combine them with his illusionary prowess and create dazzling effects that could capture anyone.[/color][/center] [center] Personality: [color=Firebrick]An outgoing individual, he makes sure to always be in touch with society and its trending fashion for the most part but has his favorite kind of clothing. He is a very judgmental person when he meets other people and is easily offended along with holding grudges for a long time as well. He however, prefer to let his opinion be found out rather than him telling it so he usually wears a mask to disguise his opinions for other people and pulls the fake warm smile card along with the always cooperative buddy card. However, in reality how he is feeling is disappointed as he honestly have nothing better to live for with the exception of watching time past by and watching people age living their lives peacefully.[/color][/center] [center] Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49tpIMDy9BE[/url] [/center]