Seiji stopped eating his ochazuke for a moment as Kei placed a book in front of him. It seemed to be a normal notebook, but as he flipped through it Seiji found himself slightly intrigued by its contents. The recipes were quite... Detailed, to put it one way or another. But what kind of recipe called for such exact measurements...? "Well... It's... Quite detailed." he said, flipping through the notebook carefully. "But these seem a bit too precise for normal recipes, to be honest. I admire your dedication to cooking and all, but isn't this going a bit too far?" Shrugging, Seiji closed the book and handed it back to Kei before being interrupted by the chaos nearby. That certainly didn't bode well- not for him or for anyone else nearby. "I think we should probably leave before this situation gets a bit too... Out of hand, so to speak." he said, finishing the rest of his ochazuke and moving the finished bowl and tray (and the empty can of tea) as he stood up and put on his backpack. "We can talk about this somewhere with a bit less chaos, I'd hope." [@Kyun]