Though Gunner's face didn't register the emotional change, his eyes did. They went from their usual crystal blue to stormy in the span of a heartbeat. It occurred to Anna belatedly why he'd be so emotionally charged being at the courts and why leaving them might set his nerves on edge. She suddenly regretted offering the outing but Serena was so excited she didn't have the heart to say no after getting her hopes up like that. She'd just have to break it to Serena that the boys would HAVE to stay close. She chuckled a bit despite her worry when she saw Serena huff and strip off the coat she'd just tried to put on. "It's probably best they stay close, all things considered. The courts have been having trouble with strigoi so we'll just force the boys along on the shopping trip with us, buy ice cream and nail polish and do the whole girly thing with romantic mushy movies we can cry to..." Seb groaned but smiled, "Who am I to deny the girls their fun I suppose..." Noticing Gunner's shift in aura and being slightly more intuitive than Anna at times he had already known Gunner's mom could be an issue. However, Gunner had come a long way and Anna's extreme approach to training lately had given her a unique edge. He was sure that so long as they stuck together and all of them kept their eyes peeled it would be alright. "Anna is right though, we should stick close..." ~*~ Once they'd reached the strip Anna smiled and helped Serena out of the vehicle, beating Seb to it. They'd brought two extra guards, both which Gunner knew through passing when he was at the courts, and let them know they wanted distance but safety. Honestly, as soon as they were out of the vehicle the two all but disappeared. Anna led Serena up and down the strip, popping in and out of clothing stores. She helped Serena pick out maternity clothes and let the other Dhampir girl pick out one or two things for Anna within her budget. As promised, she stopped and picked up two mushy sad movies so that Serena could vent some of those pent up out of control emotions, and a funny one to lighten the mood. Then, they stopped at a little diner because Anna's stomach was growling something fierce and she was sure Serena was starved. Anna refused to allow the boys to set with she and Serena, instead the two got their own table and when the waitress came over Anna ordered a coffee and pancakes despite the fact that it wasn't anywhere near morning. "This is nice," she smiled. "So, truth time... How are you feeling? I haven't run you ragged have I?" ~*~ At their own table Seb and Gunner were waiting for their own waitress. "It's good she's getting out... I know you're worried, but with the extra eyes and both you and Anna close by I think we'll be alright till full dark." They'd gone out a few hours before sunset and Seb was the only one who had to wear shades... so honestly it was best this way. They still had about an hour before the sun went down. "How are you? I mean... obviously it isn't easy knowing your mother is out there but... How are you holding up?"