Kali helped Sev into the house and into a chair in the Doctor's living room. He sat back and took a second to catch his breath. After finally getting some air through his lungs, Sev looked at Doctor Cornelius Long. "My name is Sebastion Tailor, but most call me Sev. Sort of a nickname that stuck," he cleared his throat and took a sip of the tea, "You may have known my cousin, I believe she did some project with you before her passing. Miss Rebecca Fowler?" This was news to Kali. His name wasn't Sev? A relative that died as well? Interesting, it seemed Sev may have a bit more behind him than previously expected. Kali's head popped up when Dr. Long mentioned her reputation, in which she grinned. "I'm glad that my reputation followed me here. Gives me an edge over my-" Sev covered her mouth in which she instantly stopped and scowled at Sev. "So, Kali is known. Yes, but I'm not here about that. The reputation isn't something that concerns me at this time." Sev took another sip of tea, "I believe we could help each other. At least for a little while. I know Liesl may not like Kali based on what you're saying-" "Then I don't like you either!" Kali blurted out, "I'll burn your book with the ashes of a million-" Sev used the spell book to quickly whack her on the head. "...but We need training, and not just on trees. Since you two didn't just jump into the battle with everyone else, it shows you're smarter than the others. So, I'm suggesting we become partners. Not for battles, but to train. Get stronger." He sat back, and took a long drink from the cup, carefully listening to each word the doctor spoke.