[h3]Residential Alleyway, Coast City[/h3] The alleyway was home to activity once more. A young girl was cradling her injured kitten in her arms. The cat meowed again in agony, as the girl continued to cry, as her tears stained her cheeks. The hind-legs of the cat were nothing but bones bare of flesh. Out of the back of the kitten was large gaping wound from which one could see the viscera within. The mere fact the cat managed to stay up past the shock was nothing short of a horrible curse. A woman in her early to mid-thirties knelt down near the girl. She adjusted the brim of her glasses as she gingerly placed her right hand on the younger girl's shoulder. The child continued crying as she glanced at the woman, "M-m-mommy, M-mit-" She snorted out a large glob of mucus and wiped it against the sleeve of her blouse. "M-mittens." The woman tried to hold back tears of her own. Her daughter, was brought into such sadness. "Honey." She spun the daughter around to face her as she glanced into her quivering eyes. "Mittens, will go to a better place. But nature has to take it's cou-" She was interrupted as the daughter placed the kitten down and began crying into her mother's chest. ------- The creature had made its escape, before being spotted by them. The slime was fortunate that creatures were distracted by a partially eaten meal. Perhaps the bipedal creatures were busy feasting upon the meal that the ooze had taken a bite out of. Obviously they knew the creature was a tasty one, for why else would they stay in the area when other prey was there? Slimey was content in its escape method, which was speeding past the alley and taking a path that led right-ward. The area had one of the great bins of food, the dumpster, and was next to the pathway where other predators emerged. Slimey was about to mess with the bin of food when something scary had emerged. Slimey paused in its motions, not wanting to anger the loud predator that was ontop of the black asphalt path. An ambulance was speeding off with the sirens blaring. The noise was obviously its survival mechanism. Slimey slithered back as the predator paused at a scene that was nearby. Another of those bipedal creatures, this one more withered and pruned had a large gash-wound on its head with blood coming from it. Nearby was a brick which was stained in something. From the unidentified loud predator emerged two men carrying some sort of device which they put the man on. The things returned back into the ambulance with the man intact, before speeding off. There was still a pool of substance beneath where the man once stood. Slimey focused its attention back on the dumpster. It spotted the dim glow of eyes of a creature Slimey was all too familiar with. Slimey began moving towards the bin. It was time to [i]feed[/i] once more.