[quote= Mokley GM Post]The room gave a sudden lurch, throwing them all across the room, and wind rattled against the walls from all sides. [/quote] Christopher's body was launched across the room like a helpless rag-doll when his forehead hit off off the bookshelf that he had been admiring earlier. There was a small gash about a 1/4 inch long where a small trickle of blood started to roll down his face. Christopher yelled at the top of his lungs "SWEET BABY JESUS! WHAT A DAMN SHIP!" He finished his rage by knocking all of the crumbling books that rested upon the bookcase in every direction of the room. The only book that remained was the only new book that was titled "The Reapers Lie". It was unlike any book that he had seen the few times he visited his local library for a light read it was bound in fancy looking leather which he never seen a book bound in one of those before. He was so enraged about hitting his head off the bookcase that he was determined to leave it completely naked as he felt deep down. Stripped of his knowledge since he knew nothing about his current situation and ultimately vulnerable. He grabbed onto the book with both hands and used his feet as leverage and placed them on the next row on the shelf and he tugged with all of his might. It was the most annoying book that he had ever come across, Christopher had got annoyed with the book and punched it before he turned away from it angrily. Christopher had used quite a bit of energy trying to get the book off of the shelf and decided to lie down on the ground for a minute. While he was down there he could hear other voices but he thought that he was losing his mind, being stuck wherever the hell he was stuck. The collection of people that he had with himself didn't truly help any, a short Egyptian lady who spoke decent english with an accent, a male apiarist that he couldn't understand what he was saying through poor language and also an accent, a extremely young male who looked mortified that his electronic device wasn't working properly and a chick who still hasn't come to yet who Christopher was worried that they might not have survived the trip on this ship. As he was lying on the ground he thought that it might be because he was hungry and thirsty since it was god knows how long it has been since he ate food or consumed water since the last thing he ate was a double cheeseburger 5 hours before he was drinking Captain and Cokes all night. As he lay on the floor daydreaming of another cheeseburger he could hear the voices again this time he could make out words. [quote=Room under observatory]"Someone's...there's a...fok..."[/quote] It seems that the five people in this room were not the only people on this boat which could be a good or bad thing, it could be their captors or on the other hand it could be more captured people in the same situation as themselves. Christopher had tried knocking on the bark floor in a rhythmic pattern so show that it would be a human knock since he didn't know how to do something called Morse Code.