[h1]Full BURST COLLABORATION with [@Styrgwyr], [@Tyrant from the West][/h1] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11074511_1000600533293466_8942799082661034699_n.jpg?oh=78a75f6abd151c0ab6aef2116f97397f&oe=55B26243&__gda__=1437513155_abf9d1b61395f7d69724fe598521dfd9[/img] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1512401_1001719059848280_6390605674085726515_n.jpg?oh=5b5f3af2e54fdbf27245851ee32fda45&oe=558033A0&__gda__=1437640233_beea01c68f50c5bd08cb26a8f85a7d4f[/img] "10% of my power, shakes my head? That makes me sound like a poor villain who became evil just because of a small thing. Like how I know this masked villain who became evil just because his crush friendzoned him as well as a guy from the future with darkness powers, he became evil because the cold killed his cat. Now I sound so insane lol but I don't mean it." Ria still seats in her ice throne, making references to the anime she watched. "Looking at you makes me melt but you staring at me, makes me melt faster, don't stare at me, I might get pregnant." Ria blushes. Ueno was a little lost in her comments about 10%. He hadn't been paying too much attention to those who were talking around them, the only one who he really payed any attention too was Taiki, and thats because he was loud as balls. He scratched his head, he really didn't know what she was talking about. Was it because he wasn't exactly cultured when it came to modern entertainment? He considered it, but chances leaned towards Ria just being some giant hipster. [b]" Could you stop spewing out bullshit? And do you have any idea how a vagina works?[/b] Ueno didn't know she was making any kind of reference, all he knew was that she sounded handicapped. But that didn't matter, he would indulge her wish for conversation, he needed the time for respite anyway. "Tabasco head used Inappropriate language" Oh it makes the ice princess red even more, [b]"................."[/b] It was dead silence at the moment. She couldn't even retaliate. Then she focuses all the cold stuff in her left hand and stomps her feet which makes a blizzard to pin him down. Ria with the gathered force in her left hand leaves her vulnerable and open. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akTUd66M0Ks]"How about let's end this....KAKAKAKAKAKKHKAKHAHKAKHDAKDAKHADKADHKDAHKAKHAKAKAA!"[/url] "It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!!...depending on where you look at it." Ueno was scared shitless for about five seconds, he hadn't expected to be pinned down. And whatever was in her hand was making him nervous. He was also starting to freeze up a bit, and the possibility of getting frostbite was quite high. In a panic, he used his left hand and covered it with flames, and hit Ria's frost-enhanced hand. And it commenced. Ria's hand got slapped which cancels out her hyped scary attack. She looks at Ueno, [b]"Ha?"[/b] With a blank space in her expression. Then she blushed again but tries to regain the composure she had a while ago, [i]"What am I doing? Starting a fight just because of something I worked hard for. True I cherished my 2 weeks of creating that novel I have. What am i doing? Even so, how would you feel if your hard work gets shattered right before your very eyes?"[/i] [b]"I give up."[/b] She fell into her knees, losing the will to fight after the erotic things that Ueno said. "Oh what's this!?!? The fight's over!?!? BOOOOO!!!" Well, Ueno was breathless. He was exhausted and had burns all over his arms, visiting the doctor was the next task on his to-do list. He replayed her words in his head and honestly couldn't exactly figure out why she gave up. If anything Ueno would have been even more pissed. [i]' Those level 5 gears turn in strange ways' [/i] trying to figure out her thinking patterns would kill more brain cells then connect, so he let the question rest. Once Ria was on her knees, Ueno stood up. [b] "Hey, uh, you [url=https://youtu.be/iLPfXcLx0l4]ok there?[/url] [/b] Ueno instantly regretted asking that, but his parent's values hammered their way out of his mouth. [b]"Do I look like I'm okay? Hmph! I'm better than okay because I'm not saying that I don't look okay, I look okay before I even know I look okay like how it sounds cocaine and I don't look okay before I even know I don't look okay."[/b] She mumbled. [b]"Besides... I'm not going to apologize just because of this, you're the one who should apologize and messed with my two week novel, you know hard it is to write when you have all your ideas brainstormed into a novel."[/b] How complicated it just gets, the reverse psychology she's doing to express herself. She stands up and looks at him nonchalantly like as if nothing has happened. [b]"Hey, you don't have a choice. You're gonna join the Manga Club from now on and help out when needed... rather....you're an exception. You messed with my stuff so you gotta repay me. By the way, can I borrow your clothes?"[/b] She asked while giving a freezing stare.... "ZZzZzZzZzZzZzZz" "Wait, what!? Seriously? This is how it's going to go?" Ueno's breathing intensified. This was better then having a level 5 hate him, he guessed, but joining the shitlord club wasn't exactly high on his bucket list either. Well, Ueno sucked up some of his pride, while also trying to save himself from losing all of his remainign dignity. [b]" Well, I am sorry about ruining your book, or novel, or whatever it was. But I would really, really, really, rather not join your club. Are you sure there isn't some alternative? Like, please?"[/b] Ueno looked up and down at himself before responding to the last bit. [b] "Also, if anything i need to get some new clothes myself. I don't have any on me to spare!"[/b] Then she twitched, [b]"AND WHAT OF IT?"[/b] She has a scary smile and goes closer to him, pressing herself, she lets out a cold steam out of her mouth, sighing. [b]"You better join or else I'll freeze 'it.'"[/b] Ria showing her scary side. [i] Fuuuuck [/i]. Ueno didn't have a choice in the matter, it looks like he was joining that manga club. [b]"Alright, I'm in. When does it start?" [/b] She smirked. [url= http://f.mypage.ru/ceb138422de68ed994d0cdb77359fb54_4933aa81982cb21d728b63cb9006ae18.jpg]Not telling him any further detail[/url] "... And THAT! Uhhh....Is how you make friends, my beloved stude- argh screw this" Taiki threw his mic, clearly frustrated. [hr][/hr] [H3]The Recess Bell RINGS! NEXT SEGMENT: AUDITORIUM GATHERING![/H3]