Name Corbin Verrone Age 25 [img][/img] Personality: +Reliable- If asked to do something he will damn well give it his best shot. +Cautious- Hell with being a hero, it won’t matter if you’re dead! +Generous- Damn I’m hungry, holding his last candy bar, Small girl stares at him, yeah here you go. +Sophisticated- Yes, I know it takes twelve turns of the chronometer, plug in the eradicator, then set the meter to three thousand microtones and then fucking run! I wasn’t born yesterday! +Tolerant- Okay now I’m going to explain this for the one-hundredth time and if you don’t get it, I shall tell you again for the one-hundredth and one time. -Suspicious- They were all standing there when the damn thing disappeared, One of those fuckers took it! -Unselfish- sometimes gives too much away. -Haughty- What do you mean you can’t tell me what ten thousand to the forth is without a calculator! Blah -Compulsive- Langue…Kill them all! Fucking kill them all! -Humorless- I don’t get it! That was lame! BIO: NYC 1-432 was the colony name where Corbin was born and grew to the age of five when it was destroyed by the Langue. His parents were MIA that day, if it wasn’t for Karri’s parents Corbin himself would be on one of the two lists that were developed for the citizens of NYC 1-432. Karri was his neighbor friend that he would go and play with most of the time. They were of the same age when he lost his parents and from that time on, he had a new family, one that treated him as if he was one of their own. As time went on, Karri and himself grew closer as friends and were reminded time after time that they were brother and sister, but to them that wasn’t so, they were friends whom under extreme circumstances forced them into one family but were not blood so they allowed the love between them to grow. Karri is the one to blame for the way that Corbin is today for if it weren’t for her, he would have grown up hating everyone and everything. But she was his savior, but he wasn’t hers for when they just turned eighteen, the newly formed colony NYC 2 -1 was overran by scavengers looking for a place to call their own, this was the day that Karri was lost to him as they were trying to stop these low-life people. He had to flee the colony with just a few others but that was just for a few days as each member of the small group went their own way or died as the food ran low and the weak couldn’t handle the stress. So after a few weeks Corbin was traversing over the land by himself, trying to stay ahead of the game by keeping low and watching for a group of people that looked like they could handle themselves. Relationships: None at this time.