[h3]Jump City -> Coast City[/h3] Skeleton Man exited the clinic, bandaged and ready to dispense further justice. Of course, the lady working said clinic had advised him not to do that, but she underestimated the awesome power of Earth's boniest defender! No mere stab wound could prevent him from seeking out evildoers and defeating them, or his name wasn't Charles Osso, sworn protector of truth, justice, and the skeletal way. To punctuate his internal hamming, the Calcium-rich Champion attempted to strike a pose, only for a sharp pain to course through his body. [i]On second thought, it will slow me down, but that is merely a temporary inconvenience! Soon, I shall recover, and no evil shall escape my Skeleton Eyes![/i] Osso's train of thought promptly ground to a halt, however, when he noticed the most recent news bulletin. Not the one with Superwhatsit saving the city from the aliens, mind you, but the one about the Pterodactyl Man terrorizing Coast City. "Hmm, Green Lantern's gone, so there's nobody to stop ol' Big Nose from wreaking havoc. Looks like Coast City needs a hero more than Jump City at the moment. To the Skele-car!" Skeleton Man began to run towards his personal vehicle, only to remember that it didn't actually exist yet. Turning on his heel, Osso amended his statement with a shout of "[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yic7IRO9d6I]To the public transit station![/url]" [b]The Bus[/b] Skeleton Man, legendary hero in the making, was presently doing his best to look inconspicuous while taking public transportation. Given that he was still wearing his suit, this wasn't exactly an easy task. Though this was only temporary, as the assortment of folks on the bus eventually grew bored of examining his heroic frame, and directed their attention elsewhere. Save for one, that is. The citizen in question was best described as the spitting image of a stereotypical grubby homeless man, sporting a bushy beard, ratty clothes, and a scent that one couldn't quite place; the usual accoutrements of the common street hobo. But that was beside the point, as he was presently staring intently at Skeleton Man for reasons unknown. "Is there something wrong, citizen?" With that, the presumably homeless man suddenly looked up, as if only just acknowledging that Osso was a person rather than a piece of scenery. "Ah, sorry sonny, I was lost in thought. Anyways, from the looks of it, you're one of those 'superhero' types, ain't ya?" After Skeleton Man responded with a nod, the man continued. "Figured as much, by the outfit. So, who're you supposed to be, Calcium Kid or something?" "Skeleton Man, actually." "Right. Anyways, I've had my fair share of experience in that field, so lemme tell ya a few stories... [i]Several hours of drunken rambling later[/i] "So anyways, Bone Boy, that's the tale of how I escaped the moon-leopard corpse pits of Talon V." At this point, Skeleton Man was so astounded by the absurdity of the man's words to bother correcting him on his name. Thankfully, before the man had a chance to start another of his nonsensical stories, the bus made its stop in Coast City. Breathing a sigh of relief, Earth's boniest defender rose from his seat. "Your adventures were certainly exciting sir, but I'm afraid our time together has come to an end. Skeleton Man, away!" With that, the Calcium-rich Champion proceeded to swiftly exit the bus, and set foot on the streets of Coast City. That peculiar experience now behind him, Skeleton Man could now go about protecting the good people of the city. His first priority would be Terrordactyl, the reptilian fiend that had been attacking children. Such an act was unforgivable in the Skeleton Eyes of Skeleton Man, and thus would be punished. [i]But first, where might I find Ol' Big Nose?[/i]