[center][h3]Taiga Inuzuma[/h3][/center] After Absolute Zero's little ordeal things had seemed to settle down. This was pretty much the perfect time. "Wow~ That was such a funny show Zero-chan." A young woman spoke with a slight giggle as she sort of just appeared beside Ria. She took a step forward into the ice girl's line of vision and began to walk backwards directly in front of the level five. "I just couldn't stop laughing the whole way through. Tell me. Was it fun? Did you hold back?" She asked a few more questions, but most of them were fairly quick and hard to understand. Interestingly enough, she'd yet to even introduce herself. Yet she was firing off questions and speaking to the esper as though she had known her for years. "Ohh~ By the way. Why were you fighting? I had kind of missed that part." She continued to move, though now she was circling Absolute Zero. "Comeoncomeoncomeon~" She giggled. She didn't want Ria to leave out a single detail. "Tell me what I wanna know and I'll be sure to reward you for being a good girl." She had finally stopped, now walking directly behind Ria. "O~K~A~Y~?" She seemed to enunciate each letter of the word as she reach around the now apparently dubbed 'Zero-chan' and groped her breasts. This girl apparently had no eye or care for personal space. --------------------------------------- [center][h3]Hikaru Saito[/h3][/center] Hikaru was strolling down the hall. Which hall? Didn't matter. He was calm. Yes he. He was currently in his male form. He had spent most of his day slacking off, avoiding people, but he had figured perhaps it would be good to show up for something. So he was one his way to the auditorium. He was supposed to go their right? Oh who knew in this world. He sighed and looked around. The school seemed rather active today. "Oh man. I miss all the fun." He said calmly as he took another glance. Who could he approach? Would it be fun? Maybe? Who knew? He felt like making a new friend or two. Or simply getting on good terms with just about everyone. Still he wasn't so sure yet. He'd just arrived. "This might be more fun than I thought." He grinned. Despite his uncertainty, he was still eager. If he hadn't been he wouldn't have been him though, so this was a plus. ((Sorry... Um... Almost everyone seems to have the banner things... I's no idea how to make them or mess with paint or anything XD SO... Gonna post now :P))