[i]Kotori Namashiya[/i] - [u]An Invisible Songbird[/u] With the continuing self-induced barrage of insults toward her own conscience, the timid songbird hastily walked through the hallways. Desperate to escape the scene of yet [i]another[/i] perceived mistake, she paid little mind or heed to exactly where she was supposed to be going. The school itself was a huge institution, and she who was rather poor when it came to the challenge of acquiring direction as to where to go, she was bound to eventually fail. Clutching onto the leather strap of her bag and trying to fight the regret that had begun to infest her mind, Kotori jumped nearly a startled mile when the announcement bell roared over all the dulled murmur that was hallway conversation. The jarring declaration ordered all of the students to an auditorium. Naturally, Kotori's face completely sank as a result. She was going to have to venture to a giant room that would be filled with all of her peers?! So horrified was she that she was rendered almost beyond speechless! Not only that, but she had no idea where the Auditorium actually was located! Panicking for a few seconds, she quickly realized an ingenious way to solve her predicament. IF the entire student body was supposed to be heading there, she only needed to simply follow the people that were already immediately on their way! Falling into stride at the rear of a particularly large group of students, the Songbird nervously followed them and for once her plan actually worked! Striding into the red carpeted lane that lined the Auditorium's walkways, the quiet girl frantically sought for a seat that she might actually be able to have some peace in. From the appearance of the initial arrangements, the majority of students had begun to file towards the front. That was her chance! She could do just the exact opposite with hopefully moderate success! Nimbly working her way to the side, she side stepped her way to sanctuary at the back of the Auditorium. The very back. With the furthest seat away from the stage in the furthest right-hand corner. [color=662d91][i]Phew...[/i][/color] Tucking her skirt beneath her bottom as she gracefully slid to sit down, she found at least a little comfort in the seat. Steadfastly she would stare forward to ignore the odd look or two she got from other members of the student body, and she thanked the stars for this moment of relief! This Auditorium was actually quite massive, there was no way that all of the students would be able to reach the seating all the way back as she had done! Now, in these precious lingering moments, she could discern a chance to read her book. Digging around in her bag for a brief moment, the absence of a particularly rough hewn binding made her skin turn white. Opening the flap and dipping the entirety of her face into the bag fearfully, she realized that she had forgotten it in the Cafeteria! That meant, oh no. She was stuck here and it was still quite probably abandoned there for anyone to take! Biting her own lip and being horrified at the very thought, especially with how graphic the Grim Fairytales could be, she could only imagine the social life disaster that was about to emerge. Wild thoughts coursed through her mind of frantically impossible possibilities. [color=662d91][i]What if a teacher found it?[/i][/color] [i][color=662d91]What if that SHOTA TEACHER FOUND IT?![/color][/i] [b][i][color=662d91]WHAT IF THE SCHOOL THOUGHT IT WAS INAPPROPRIATE READING MATERIAL AND I'M ABOUT TO GET CALLED OUT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL!?!?[/color][/i][/b] Her face flushed in horror at the very thought of the innumerable terrors as she ducked her head and embraced her bag. Her only friend had betrayed her, at least she thought. The book must have just fallen out of her bag. Even then, this wasn't good. Her name was written on the inside of the front cover! It was her book. Gods no. Why did this of all things have to happen now?! What had she done to deserve such a karmatically cruel fate?! Not only that, but she had already driven away a prospective friend?! What kind of awkwardly social failure was she?!