Name: Aristobus Shanara Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Imperial Class: Mage Physical Description: Aristobus dawns the cloths of his profession to your inquiring gawk. The long black robe covers the medium build of the man that stands before you. His dark blue eyes have a piercing effect as he gazes at you through the long, wiry strands of charcoal colored hair. A well-kept beard and mustache matching the color of his hair partially covered his angular face. Upon his body can be seen three gold rings, one necklace and an aging oak staff clutched in his left hand. Skillset: Expert: Alchemy Adept: Destruction Conjuration Alteration Two handed weapon (Staff) Novice: Restoration Enchantment Illusion Known spells: (Des) fireball (Con) soul trap (Alt) Paralyze (Alt) Magelight (Res) Healing (Ill) Fury History: Riften, That was the city that Aristobus was born and the city where he began his young childhood misdeeds. Being a toss away child from one of the local women of the night and a lonely adventurer, Aristobus found himself in the hands of an extremely, young teenager named Triona; she was a member of the thieves guild and the most important person in Aristobus’s life. She was only thirteen when she found Aristobus tossed in the back, high grass of the Riften cemetery. Suffering from the same fate, Triona took him in as one of her own and worked harder than she ever did to raise him. At the young age of three, Aristobus loved looking at books, this was his favorite past time, in which Triona ensured that there were many books for him to look at. Most of her workings always consisted of grabbing books of all types along with that object that she was told to snare. Rim, her boss had no qualms with her taking of the books, but when asked why she took them she just shrugged her shoulders and made off as it was just her mark. She never told anyone of the little baby she was raising in fear that the guild would bring him into the dark life she was living and she did not want that for him. At the age of five Aristobus began playing around the small catches in the sewers, in which Triona began to fear that he would be detected decided to move them from the sewers to an abandoned home just outside of Riften. Her ways of thievery for the guild slumped and this brought hardship to Triona as she could not leave Aristobus alone so she made a contract with Rim that she would do the harder jobs that brought more gold then what she used to do. Rim agreed to this. At the age of eight, Aristobus was understanding the life that he and his mother was living. His desire of books was stronger now that he was beginning to understand what he was reading. He wanted to help his mother in bringing home money to ease the hardship that his mother was going through. Everything she brought home was for him, and now it was his turn to give back. On the nights that his mother went out thinking that he was asleep, he himself went into town and watched how she moved about and entered homes of men that was wanting her attention but the only thing they got was drugged and items taken from their home. Then one night his following and watching his mother work backfired when she caught him spying. Her pleas of him not to follow her reached his heart and he agreed but requested that she teach him how to make the potions she was using on the men. She agreed and this started his path to the ways of Alchemy. Using this skill brought more money in as he was selling this to many of the lower life citizens of the surrounding areas. At the age of twelve, Aristobus and Triona were doing well with their ways; however, Aristobus began reading and becoming interested in the use of magic along with his alchemy skills. Figuring that using both arts together would increase their profits and would end his mother’s midnight activities. This desire to free his mother drove him to learn more about magic and experiment with the more deadly potions of alchemy. At the age of 16, Aristobus was working more and more for the darker side of the citizenship, which brought fears to his mother. She seen how he has took a fancy with the arcane arts and decided to push him to go to Winterhold and attempt to get into the college of winterhold. Aristobus refused for not wanting to leave his mother to the foulness of Riften, but she would not have it. One night his mother left him a note saying her good byes and that his destiny lies with the mages of the north, broken hearted, Aristobus done as his mother requested and headed for the college in Winterhold. At the age of 22, Aristobus left the college on a good note. He had a personal quest that he had to do. He had to find his mother. Packing up what he could carry, he traveled back to Riften, but what he went looking for was not there. His mother was gone; Rim informed him that she was on an extremely difficult quest for a man that pays a lifetime’s worth of gold items. Rim informed him that his mother was going to finish this quest and move to winterhold to be with him, but she has not returned yet. Rim gave him the name of this man so in doing so Aristobus went looking for this man known as the Collector… Party Control: Yes