[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11065942_999280446758808_5129098284827341320_n.jpg?oh=5499311c80f3438a8609dda875e0d98a&oe=5580539E&__gda__=1437594280_71367d8885860bf218916e57f32f13b2[/img] I simply cannot fathom but hey.....hey... that's the Ria I know, as forgetful as I am, my memories have had it recorded, that's right Ria have always been this strong yet eccentric. Hybrid Academy's iconic Absolute Zero, Tsurara Ria; My head is starting to remember it all, my power is such a pain, it makes me lose certain memories that is either precious or not. I remember five years ago, I used to mock Ria for being a level 0 when we were younger, we were both level 0 but in the end she got the better of me. I pressed my hand against my head, as those memories resurfacing fades. But what I do see is the sad expression of my friend[color=39b54a]. [b]"Hey, you damned snaked-eyes. Get your hands of off her."[/b] [/color]