The Sorcerer who was struck with the sonic boom flew backwards, blood and spittle flying from his mouth as he crashed rolling across the floor. However, even as Aeshma attempted to move away from the scene, a crackling bolt of red lightning struck him. Red hot energy filled him for a moment, as he felt his physical body taking significant quantities of damage, equally mirrored onto his purer self. If his physical form was to be destroyed within the human realm, or even in Aegis, he would also be destroyed. One of the sorcerers grinned, glyphs and tattoos covering his face. Two balls of flame formed in his hands as he rushed forward, screaming words in Ancient Demon, the language of dark magic. A screen of materialized solid shadow formed in front of a woman's hands, bullets striking the surface but not breaking through. Laughing, she allowed this shield to dissolve before gesturing forward. Portals opened around her shoulders, Spiked chains launchign themselves from them and attempting to strike at Noah. Her eyes glowed a bright purple, even as she whispered incantations undered her breath, her off hand clutching what appeared to be an obsidian dagger. In the meantime, the dynamic duo charged the group atop the giant spider, whom at first didn't seem to notice the assault. However, as Zio jumped to attack one of the hooded figures, he felt his brain filling with pain. It was as if a hundred needles had been stuck into every muscle, liquid agony flowing through his veins. The unexpected sensation dropped him to the floor, and even as he dropped out of sight from the hooded figures the sensation disappeared. One of them looked to him, face hidden behind a metal mask. No blow landed, but rather the sensation of a punch struck Zio, knocking him off balance. It was then that Mira struck out, blade slicing cleanly through the armoured carapace of the insectoid demon. It screeched in fury, clawed legs stamping around as it attempted to pierce it's elusive attacker, even as Mira almost elegantly danced out of the way of the barrage of attacks. The leg dropped neatly to the floor, before catching fire, it's physical form no longer sustainable. In mere moments, the limb had been reduced to nothing but ash. Aeshma, meanwhile, found himself wounded and still recovering, attempting to maintain his physical form and throwing powerful emotional waves against his assailant. The runes on his arms and legs were more than just decoration however, they warded the sorcerer from magic both formed and natural. Aeshma's simple psychic presence just wasn't enough to stop him. Then a catman jumped on top of the figure, both flames going out as the sorcerer fell to the floor, screaming and swatting at this unexpected attacker, firing a number of futile bursts of red lightning out into the air.