[u]Sophia[/u] Sophia was still in a daze. She had been pulled along by someone, she wasn't sure who, and only remembered Doris's body growing smaller, colder, deader as a heavy arm pulled her down the hallway. Her fingers felt numb where they had gripped and been gripped by the old woman as she was shot in the chest. Sounds echoed around the girl's consciousness but none of them registered in her mind. They were just auditory waves washing over her like a rock on a beach, undisturbed by the water's rush and tide. Nothing made sense, it was happening too fast. She should be able to put it together, she wasn't stupid. She wasn't [i]that[/i] young. Thirteen was old enough to do a lot of things. Like, stay at home by yourself and put yourself to bed at night. It was old enough to know to hide from your father if he came home smelling like the bar. Thirteen was old enough to take yourself to goddamn school every day because no one else would and they served lunch there. And thirteen was even old enough to use words like shit and f*uck, even if only occasionally and without a full comprehension of their weight. Thirteen was [i]not[/i] old enough to watch one of the few people in the world that took care of you shot by a random bullet and then continue on like nothing happened. "Doriiis!" the scream finally formed on her tongue and came out her lips. Life was a blur, wind whipped, engines roared, and heavy ammunitions above them roared down on the horrors behind. Sophia came to briefly as she was stuffed into a car. It made sense, to be in a car. That had been Doris's plan, to get away from here. She was sitting on someone's lap. She didn't know what was happening and she didn't know what to do, so she said nothing. She just sobbed lightly into someone's shoulder as they car took off.