As Terry explained who Josephine was, Cammy found herself thinking about her own family. She hadn't seen them in such a long time. Her dad had taken her younger brother, Charlie, into hiding and while they made contact every now and then, Cammy had no idea where they were. Her dad had told her it was safer that way. The implication had been that it was safer for Cammy but she knew the truth. He meant safer for Charlie. If the people looking for Cammy somehow managed to find her, chances were they would want to know where the rest of her family were in order to make sure none of them had powers too. Cammy understood the logic but it didn't make her feel any better. Despite her father's warnings on the danger, Cammy's older brother, Mohan, had elected to not go into hiding and instead stayed in college. He had so far managed to avoid any kind of trouble. Inexplicable as that seemed to Cammy. She had a feeling he would be safe though. Mo had always been strong and independant. He knew how to take care of himself. Cammy had practically idolized her older brother while growing up and wanted to be just like him. She loved her family to pieces and they had returned that love. That's why it seemed so strange to her that Terraline was so afraid of her own sister. Xander then winked at her again and Cammy could only narrow her eyes in confusion. She wasn't sure what to make of this guy. Sure, he was cute and all but he seemed utterly heartless. She was almost glad when he left, pushing his way past Eilowyn and Sage. She noticed the look Eilowyn gave Xander as he left and the awkward length of time Sage and Terry made eye contact for. It was almost like she was invisible by the bedside. In days gone past, Cammy would probably have been more upset about being practically ignored by her fellow students. After all, it wasn't like she hadn't gotten to know them in the year since her arrival here. But these days she honestly didn't mind. She wasn't really interested in socialising anymore. She had retreated into herself since her mother's death and seemed to only really talk to others when they addressed her first. Her desire to help others was really what had driven her to find her way to Terry's room, rather than the random curiosity of the others. When Terry began to get out of bed, only to stumble, Cammy was quick to grab hold of her to stop her falling to the floor. This time she didn't bother asking for permission and put her hand to the other girls head, instinctively knowing that she was in pain. Terraline would begin to instantly feel the pain leave her and her head clear as Cammy used her power. Still holding onto Terry, Cammy dropped her head slightly as a dull throb coursed through her skull. The ain quickly dissipated however and Cammy was quick to smile at Terry in assurance that everything was alright. "All students report to the auditorium in the next five minutes!" a voice bellowed over the tannoy. "We better go" said Cammy to the room "There'll be hell to pay if we're not there." Still holding gently to Terry's arms, Cammy informed the girl "Trust me, you're safer here than anywhere else. And if that sister of yours tries anything, she'll have me to deal with." She gave Terry her friendliest smile before turning to the others and saying "Come on. Let her get dressed. We'll wait outside." She made a show of shooing them from the room and right before closing the door, she looked over her shoulder at Terraline and informed her with a smile "Welcome to Riverwood"