Tanya considered the suggestions for a moment. Stock was fairly simple, Tanya herself carried what she would need(her armor and weaponry was incredibly light in spite of appearances, allowing her to easily carry small supplies without much hassle), and she was sure everyone else had done the same. Of course, she was not completely used to travelling with bigger parties, the few times she had was for raids on slave-trading camps or destroying mass amounts of undead. Those times were short, and her companions were entirely Reon-aligned paladins or priestesses. Other times she had a travelling companion, but it was not quite like this. As for a formation... "If you desire to line yourselves up in some asinine and rigid position, I'll hardly stop you," she remarked, shrugging her shoulders as she advanced towards the ruined tower. "I rather prefer the freedom to take whichever position a situation warrants. The only formation I'd ever suggest is those less suited to direct combat staying in back. Anything else is going to be unsatisfactory to [i]someone[/i]." That was the small paladin's opinion on that, at least. The words on the tower itself being full of entrances, well... it wasn't untrue. Tanya had naturally been inclined to look for a more direct entrance, but it would perhaps be more advisable to find a spot that may not be trapped... when the water mage mentioned the gap to the left, the small girl's purple eyes traveled to the spot she had indicated. Indeed, the hole seemed large enough to occupy any one of them. Approaching it and peering inside, Tanya quickly found that it was so dark she could barely see. What she could see was that the entrance was further up, brighter then the darkness she was staring down into... and that the steps were quite steep, as it appeared that entering from this spot would lead to quite a drop. The air was musty and thick, and she could smell hints of a much fouler scent wafting from deeper in the prison-castle. "Well, we could get in from here," began the purple-haired paladin as she leaned back out of the hole, "But unless we have some rope or, Reon's blessing, a ladder, you'd have to be an idiot to attempt the jump."