[quote=@PlatinumSkink] That's two people who posted it in the wrong place first. Eh, acceptable enough. Nice image! XD ... An image that I have in my folder here immediately went through my mind when I read of this... "Sir Wilhelm the White"... Did you have to theme him after a color...? Because this image so totally fit my mental projection... [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/hvUhuzz.jpg[/img] Unfortunately he wasn't "Wilhelm the Purple". XD[/hider][/quote] Now [i]that[/i] is an amazing picture. I just wanted the alliteration, to be honest. I'm changing his name to Wilhelm the Whatever-the-DM-Wants. The Wonderful? The Worthy? Something that doesn't use alliteration? I dunno. [quote=@PlatinumSkink] Hm. I am raising my eyebrow a little bit at how great you're making Wilhelm sound, even in the second paragraph. He's sounding like he's THE man of Grado, pretty much, with bards praising him and him leading entire armies against hordes and such. I was kind of intending that to be Rioga, but to a smaller scale than this. Remember, monsters are few enough in number that normal villages still exist relatively safely with but a standard wall. While protection is in order, there are few groups of monsters large enough to be deemed a major hero by defeating. As well, Grado's supposed to be rather weakened, this guy sounds like he's got everything handled by himself. But, seeing how he apparently had enough mercenaries under his command that they could defeat him, suppose mercenaries of Jehanna actually comprised most of that army. Not that armies does much use when the majority of your enemies are spread out like that. Oh, well. It is fine, I just want to point it out. I'll decide myself how much of it is overblown.[/quote] You're right on that front, and I'll change that up if you want. Army-related mistakes are due to my lack of general Fire Emblem knowledge, and that I always sort of imagined that what happened on the field in front of the player was representative of a larger battle. Wilhelm's exploits, while probably fairly impressive, are likely exaggerated or used as a sort of rallying cry to boost morale. Seems like Grado needs the confidence boost. [quote=@PlatinumSkink] Eh, otherwise, there wasn't very much data on the guy himself, so there's not that much to argue about. Other than the fact that... Gosh, he has such a normal-sounding name in a world filled with fantasy-names...! XD ... Kevin is accepted~! [/quote] You're right, and I was worried about that. Initially I figured since a large part of the premise was that he was overshadowed it was thematically appropriate, but I've thought of a few more things to add. The name thing was [s]because I couldn't think of a better one[/s] [i]completely[/i] intentional because I thought it'd be funny.