[color=C71585][h3]John Doe[/h3][/color] John Doe Continued to do this for a while, except he reached out and grabbed one of the beer bottles and broke off the top, drinking it with his weird tongue which looked like a mini verison of his big head, gulping down the booze in mere seconds, and then throwing it away into a recycling bin that was coincidentally in the bar He grabbed another, and another and somehow kept on juggling the Chainsaw, Table, bar stools and that kids sword at the same time, he then finished his act up, throwing the table back at its original spot safefully, putting the bar stools down, throwing the chainsaw into the next universe or wherever the heck is it came from and finally, he grabbed the sword, jumped forward straight through the air and aiming the sword at the kid who was now ignoring pretty much everything and reading harry potter or some crap, Even though the big creature had juggled a goddamn chainsaw and stolen his sword [color=C71585][b]Hey catch![/b][/color] John Doe yells as he throws the sword blade first at the 16-year-old edgy angel kid, as John Doe landed gracefully onto a table feet first, breaking through the table.