[i]Mysterion was skeptical about leaving Jack buried under the pile of leaves, but decide he would not mind it once he woke up. He kept moving and turned to the right about 100 yards into the forest, going parallel to the start of the forest. He wanted to make sure that anyone following him would get lost, and forget about Jack. He then went straight for the clearing and within minutes he walked out into the open heading out into town. He tried to remember where that psychotic girl had run to when they ran away from that battle. This time he would not run, this time he would ambush. Stealth was always his strong suit, and he took that as an advantage. He bundled up his cloak in a fist at the end of his hand, wanting to get that mamodo. Her out of wack personality was going to gain her title of King, Queen rather, in no time. He had to finish her first. Of course he would never want to burn her book, then where would the suffering be? He heaved out a breath of black smoke out of his hooded cloak, and continued on walking down the middle of the road searching for her, to kill her.[/i] Jack coughed, choked and spat out dirt, and a leaf. [i]What, a leaf? What in the world?[/i] He thought. He got up, his head pounding. He was on all fours and puked on the ground, groaning, his headache like cannon fire going off in his head. [i]What happened?..Oh right, I fell after getting away from those two people. Was not the best idea.[/i] He mumbled. He managed to get up on his feet, placing his hand against a tree for support. He darted his eyes up the hill, where he fell. He did not want to attempt going up that thing, where he fell, so he decided to go the long way. He staggered around the hill, and up a much easier climb, where there was more grass, so he wouldn't slip. He hobbled until he reached the forest edge. It took him 2 hours to get out, him being extremely disoriented. [i]Oh crap! Where was Mysterion?[/i] He screamed in his head. Another memory came back. Mysterion...covering him with something...leaves?..Yes leaves...why? Then walking away...He was trying to keep him hidden right?...Then why did he walk away?...to protect him somehow?...maybe...or maybe not..He plopped down against a tree letting the sun on his face, and passed out from exhaustion.