It didn't take long for at least one of the vacancies to be filled. Shortly after losing members the Outsiders team began searching for new members. While several before had a lot of potential in their power base it may have been an oversight given the mix of personalities. There were many prospects, but to maintain the distance from the other superhero groups they needed to select others that had not been approached by the aforementioned. One of those prospects was a young woman by the name of Ashley Hendrick. Despite looking young for her age she was just starting to make her mark as a hero. But just as important was that she had no negative record. Her schoolwork was in order and there was every indication of a team player from what could be found. Only on the team a week Ashley, or Domini as her alias is known, had very little time to train with the team. There were a couple sparing matches but they weren't anything super stressful. Figuring it was a formality to see if she could hold her own without powers the woman awaited a trial run or mission. It never came. Instead they were going to the heart of the matter. The League of Shadows was a revelation. The briefing was a very serious time and it did put the rookie in a tough situation. Strapped in for the ride Domini looked at her teammates. How would they all work together? Deciding to break the silence she spoke up. "[color=violet][b]So, what is the plan for this. I know where we're going but you guys have done stuff like this before right?[/b][/color]"