[hider=MC~~<3!!][img]http://ow.ly/K52Fx[/img][/hider] As she took the flower from the fading girl, MC intentionally grasped at the small hand holding the blood red flower. [color=fdc68a][i] Was she fading only from sight, or from existence...? [/i][/color]The Latina was uncertain and grasping the flower girl's hand did not solidify any thoughts one way or the other on the matter to MC. So instead of dwelling upon it, she took a moment and nodded graciously in acceptance of the gift. [color=fdc68a][i]Simply in her elegance, strangeness in her graceful movements and yet with enough of a nose upturned with that just right angle to make any queen jealous... she carries herself like... like my sister Maria-Dulce...[/i][/color] MC reached neath her poncho and pulled out a dark feather that still held its rainbow sheen, holding it between her index finger and thumb, twisting it slightly. She flashed the big eyed girl a shy smile but still managed a playful wink as she held the gift out to the fading flower girl. [color=f7941d]“For you... oh! I do not know? What are you called...?”[/color] she asked politely yet still shyly. But then suddenly they were off chasing after the quick pace set by the other, the olive-skinned girl who seemingly befriended the owl. A quick glance behind, MC afforded herself as she ran along, if only to see just how far away they were now from the green and orange lights. She then shook her head at the thought of actually getting shot at! But then she remembered that this was not her home. It was wise to flee. For if someone had taken a shot with a bow and arrow at them during a forest fire, she did not want to find out who took that shot. [i][color=fdc68a]But... exactly what was the shooter aiming for... Senior Buho...? Mister Owl or... maybe the Lantern with the glowing egg inside it?[/color][/i] But whatever the case, they had little to no light to go on since the sinewy girl had tucked away the lantern and Mia-Canta swore she would not lose these two. So she did what she did with like when she and her siblings when they travelled through unknown terrain in the dark back home. Maybe it was more to comfort herself more so than the others, but still, MC reached out in front of her to grasp the hand of one girl with her left hand and the other with her right hand. A small comfort but a comfort nonetheless. For they had just met and the links between them were as strong as the ones holding a string of paperdolls together. A pang struck at her heart. Oh, how she wished she had siblings and their dogs with her just now! [color=fdc68a][i]But at least we are not alone against the dark...![/i][/color] a hopeful thought and a warm squeeze from her hands should she be holding hands with the other two fleeing girls.