[H3][color=mediumspringgreen]E.A. Bobby Smith[/color][/h3] [@Twisted Fate] [@ScarlettWaters16] Having the dead weight of the dead Aggressor off his arm was a huge relief. [i]Alright, no more eye gouges,[/i] he thought ruefully. "Thanks!" he shouted to the air-elemental, who was currently in the process of lifting the other attacker into the air, before dropping him onto the pavement. Bobby gave the enemy's neck a solid stomping as Jared landed. He could see that his fighting partner looked pretty singed from the encounter with the flaming Aggressor, but he couldn't think of any way to offer assistance. "Sorry 'bout that," he said sheepishly, "From now on, you oughtta skip any more hand to hand. Blowin' things around is good, thou-" he was interrupted by the arrival of the avian, who introduced herself as Jazz and proceeded to battle a new wave of advancing, gun toting aggressors on their behalf. Which was kind of funny, as Bobby had been planning to save [i]her[/i]. She got surrounded awfully quickly, going down with a knife-wound to one leg. Bobby dived back into the action, this time sticking to throat-slashing claw strikes and full-power hoof kicks that snapped bones and occasionally slashed through soft flesh. They were able to take down enough of the enemy that both sides temporarily fell back - Bobby guiding Jazz back behind the pile of overturned benches and the Aggressors retreating behind a line of k-rails to open fire. He eyed the deep wound on her leg, the blood-soaked feathers sticking damply to it, and started ripping clothing off one of the nearby dead aggressors. In the process, he revealed a nice looking hand gun in a shoulder holster and grabbed it for later use. He turned back to Jazz, holding up handfuls of ripped cloth. "It's been a few years since my last first aid refresher, but I oughtta try to bandage that."