Aubrey felt uneasy about Varren's gun, but considering the circumstances it wouldn't be too terrible if the guard had to shoot one of the Crucible soldiers. He'd rather it be them than him. [color=yellow]"My name's Aubrey,"[/color] the blonde teenager responded, giving his own name in turn. He didn't have much else in regards to a title, given he wasn't even an adult yet. But now they all were able to communicate by name as they escaped they ran from the town. --- Speaking of the town of Krukow, the sounds of violence began to grow in volume and intensity. As the one-eyed first mate of the Free Wind walked away from the town square, battle began to ensue. His intimidation no longer kept the soldiers or the Rift Hunters at bay, and with the Crucible officers being defeated there was a golden opportunity for the townsfolk to fight back. Weston only let out a sigh as he left the scene, a scene which he was the cause. After a few seconds of walking, he began to pick up the pace. For a big guy starting to approach middle-age, he could sprint quite fast. His plan succeeded, now there was a window of opportunity for the Free Wind to escape. Provided Varren found a mechanic, that is. With the Crucible now forced to handle the townsfolk, the Interceptor wouldn't be manned in time to give chase once the Free Wind could get in the air. Despite the implications of his actions, Weston showed no signs of a burdened conscience. Something caught his attention and he skidded to a halt. As the dust from his sudden stop settled, Weston found himself in the middle of a field. The same one he and Varren had encountered Katherine earlier. Though he was now alone, but there was something new in the field. Just as he thought he had detected earlier there was a darkness in the air. A hole in the air, blacker than the darkest night. Wisps of black smoke flowed out the sides. Electrical pulses popped across the blackness every few seconds. The ominous portal made no sound, but that only made it more ominous. In all it was slightly larger than Weston himself. A rather large Rift, at least by Weston's uneducated standards. But something was strange about this Rift. Despite being more than big enough for human-sized monsters to fit through, nothing was coming out. And it seemed to be growing bigger. [color=darkorange]"Hmm..."[/color] he mumbled to himself, slowly picking up the pace again. As intriguing as the Rift was, it was only a distraction right now. Staying on this island any longer than he had to be was dangerous. Twofold, with the imminent threat of Rift Monsters arriving within the next few minutes. Now it was a rush to get off Krukow island. As Weston ran towards the forest a blue, ethereal glow began to radiate from his body. And interestingly enough: he began moving much inhumanly fast. --- The captain of the ship leaned over the rail along the top deck. Indeed there were two strange, random people shouting up at them. A look of annoyance took her face first, but after properly processing what Pansy was shouting she took a look of surprise. [color=lime]"What?"[/color] escaped her as she lost her balance. The momentary surprise was soon consumed by anger and she gritted her teeth. With a sharp kick to the Free Wind's deck, Summer began another one of her tantrums. [color=lime]"Of course the bloody Crucible has to show up [i]now[/i] of all times! Today is just my lucky day!"[/color] Before she could begin cursing more, Varren arrived down below. Summer immediately recognized her first mate wasn't with him, and instead there was two teenagers. [color=lime]"I asked for a damn mechanic! And where the hell is Weston!?"[/color] Summer began to shout. Before Varren had a chance to explain himself, a port along the side of the ship opened up and a metal walkway extended out. Didn't quite reach the ground, due to the lopsided resting position of the ship, but it was close enough to step on easily. One of the other guards opened it, to let the passengers on board. Though this irked Summer greatly, she kept her mouth shut as letting the natives on board wouldn't have too much of an impact on their survival. Unless they could fix the Aura generator. Then letting them on greatly improved the odds. [color=lime]"We don't have much time before we're all dead or worse,"[/color] Summer began, her tone already betraying the coming command. [color=lime]"So the whole lot of you better make yourselves useful and get this baby flying. Varren, take them to the engine room. I'll join you all in a moment. If we get enough monkeys in there we might get through this, but we aren't leaving without Weston."[/color]