Thorn was not amused in the least. While the Fenrir had indeed separated the chaff from the wheat, or at least most of it, they had now flown off to a mission against the League of Shadows with two new recruits in tow. In the past few weeks, Thorn had been honing his own body, learning how to shape it, and adapt it. Sitting beside Fenrir in the cockpit of the team's repaired cruiser, Thorn had managed to return his body to the actual human appearance that Valentine had once had. His skin was green still, filled with small vein like vines beneath the surface and long locks of grass like hair. Bark like armor covered him for modesty as he tried to appear human for time being. Raising a simulated eyebrow at the question of whether the team had done missions like this one before, a low chuckle escaped his body. "We've done one mission and it was a disaster. Thankfully the Boss is wearing his helmet today so it should go better than last time." Thorn muttered as a smile creased the leaf like texture of his face. "That said provided there's no fire involved, anything is better than last time." Turning back towards the cockpit, Thorn spoke towards Fenrir. "Fenrir, what exactly are we looking at going up against?"