[center][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140402110342/gameofthrones/images/0/0b/House-Lannister-heraldry.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][color=aba000][b]House Lannister[/b][/color][/color] Affiliation: Sided with the Greens [b]Members/Servants of House Lannister:[/b][/center] [hider=Lord Tyland Lannister] Tyland Lannister "The Broken Lion" Alias: Lord of Casterly Rock, former Master of Coin to the Greens The younger twin of the late Jason Lannister, Tyland Lannister served the Greens as an able Master of Coin and administrator up until his mutilation at the hands of the Blacks in Kings Landing. Gelded, blinded, and crippled, Lord Tyland is currently recovering from his torture in a Septry just outside of Kings Landing. A man of considerable personal charm and political talent, with a keen sense of justice, it was he who was responsible in dividing the Crown's treasury at the outset of the Dance- sending quarters of the wealth to the Iron Bank, Casterly Rock, and to the care of the Most Devout in Oldtown, while retaining a quarter for the Greens to use as a warchest. His mutilations and the death of his beloved twin have left this previously honorable and forthright man embittered, and eager for revenge against the Ironborn who devastated his homeland. Secretly, Lord Tyland has become much disillusioned with Targaryen rule. Even after his mutilation and during the slow course of his recovery, Tyland has maintained close ties to the Iron Bank of Braavos. [/hider] Ser Tygot Lannister, man of one and twenty, son of Jason and Arwyn, current bearer of Brightroar, ruling Casterly Rock in his uncles' stead. Lady Cassilda Lannister, wife of the late Lord Jason Lannister Ser Domeric Hill, Master of Arms at Casterly Rock, bastard brother of Lord Tyland Maester Uwe, Lord Tyland's attendant and longtime adviser. Nikos Nor, representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos in its dealing with House Lannister Tywin Lannister, boy of five and ten, son of the late lord Jason [s]Lady Arwyn, wife of Tyland, killed by the Blacks[/s] [s]Jason Lannister, former lord of Casterly Rock, older twin of Tyland, killed in battle during the Dance[/s]