[@Stairdweller] [@ScarlettWaters16] Thing’s really didn’t seem to be going well for their side. Bobby seemed mostly OK, but Jared’s arms were blistering – the flesh bubbling up in painful red sores from his wrestle with the Aggressor. To top it all off, another Zoner who held the shape of a large human-bird hybrid had just arrived, and proceeded to get instantly stabbed by an Aggressor in her attempt to defend the group. Fortunately, her actions seemed to have bought the trio some time; the Aggressors had briefly retreated behind some cover a small way away from them. He watched as Bobby attempted some basic first aid on the avian, who had called herself Jazz. The bandages would be largely ineffective in a real life situation, but he suddenly came to the realisation that they probably weren’t in as much danger as they thought they were, here. “Guys!” He called. “Just a thought, but surely if anything bad happens to us here Eli’s just gonna pull us out? I mean he wouldn’t risk our lives on a mission this insignificant, surely?” He didn’t even wait for a response, a crazy plan forming in his mind. He propelled himself into the air and forwards, directly at the area that the remaining Aggressors had fled to. He crashed into the center of the group with as much force as he could produce, before pushing his powers to the absolute limit of this Nexus form. Remaining positioned roughly in the middle of the Aggressors, he began to spin in mid-air. He kept accelerating, picking up speed at an impressive rate, and whipping up the air around him into a tornado. The tornado grew as his speed increased, until it was the size of a small building; tearing up the ground and sending the Aggressors flying off in various directions. Most of them crashed into walls and were brought to a halt, but others landed on the ground and skidded along it – their flaming flesh peeling off in chunks onto the road. He stopped spinning and stumbled back towards Jazz and Bobby, feeling weaker than he ever had before. “Maybe… That wasn’t… Such a good idea after all.” He gasped in ragged breaths. He took another few drunken steps towards the pair before collapsing to the ground, drifting slowly out of consciousness.