[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jjtTRha.png?1[/img][/center] "So... So did no one bother to get me some coffee?" Quentin groaned as he leaned against the roof's railing before sliding slowly to the floor, where he held his head. That had been different from what he had expected. When the Richard's Duo had first spoke of Jack's disappearance, Quentin had figured it was just your average super-villain dangling the boy over a shark tank or something, nothing like this. No, this was new. This was scary. The mutant turned his head and looked upwards at the three above him. While Spider-man's face was obviously covered, Franklin and Valeria's were full of concern and worry. Quentin thought back to when Franklin had first informed him of his task. The kid obviously was close to loosing it. How the hell was he supposed to break the news that some evil asshole was out there tormenting their friend? Quire shook his head vigorously in his hands once more as he rose to his feet. Not baring to look either of them in the eye, he kept his eyes glued to his feet. "I...I found him." He began, steadying his voice. "I'm not going to lie to you mate, it wasn't pretty. I couldn't find where he was but..." He trailed off. Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his cardigan he gave Valeria a feeble look before continuing. "There's something there with him. Something powerful. Hence the whole thing just then! I want to help though... if there's anything else that I can do!"