[@ScarlettWaters16][@PaulHaynek][@Pure493] "Indeed," Lee's eyes seemed to glow as she held the mechanic against her. "Please, lead the way. We can debrief there." Police cars were pulling up fairly fast, causing Lee to look outside. "And hurry." [@NuttsnBolts] "I feel human at times too," Atemisk chuckled, adjusting his tie as he looks at the reporters beginning to fall into place. It was just about time to start the show. "The only difference between the mortals and us is that we're so much more powerful." He did not note her other questions, perhaps he didn't hear her? Or maybe he did hear her and that was his answer to all of the above. He went to the podium as the cameras began to roll. [@Ruki] "Iunno," Mel shrugged, rubbing the inflammed skin on his chest with a salvent. It was cooling and would ease the feeling of it. "Im not around much cyborgels... but they always seemed so robotic I guess. Like some... uh.... gundam shit, you know? Well, the Mechangels look more like gundamns. You've seen Big O right? Ah probably not, just know that they're like... robots, but not. Kinda. Uh, whatever." Her babbling had caused her to blush with a bit of anxiety. She took a deep breath and continued performing first aid on his fleshy bits. "But um you seem to be kind of ...." She paused to look him in the eyes, searching for the right words. "...normal."