Cartog finished his twelfth bottle and stood up unsteadily, "Wellll I'm gonna turn in fer tha nigh'. G'bye hunams, I'll be sterminatin' ya tomorra!" He stumbled unsteadily towards the door an drew his map and stylus, giving it a couple of swift, sloppy strokes. A crude, flower-like rock formation erupted from the floor before Cartog. He stepped onto it unsteadily, the petals closing inwards to form a cocoon-like shape around Cartog, plunging down through the earth and into parts unknown and leaving nothing behind but splintered floorboards, smooth earth, and a giant, nigh-impenetrable dome of rock encasing the building. [color=8dc73f]"Fuckin' aliens."[/color], the bartender mumbled as he dialed emergency services, [color=8dc73f]"I tell ya, that Crux guy's got the right idea."[/color]