Razielle dips her head to the two and nods. She immediately pulls back on her disguise and begins to walk out among the panicked crowd. She turns to her two followers and says, "Try to blend in." She begins a slow jog, following next to a young couple gripping onto each other. She glances back to make sure the others are following before she continues on. She keeps her head low as they pass by some of the police and she keeps walking. She manages to make it far enough away from the crowd before she pauses and looks at the two. "The building is just around the block. We can make it there easily. Please try to keep up." She nods to them before she takes off at a full on sprint. Her mechanical legs carry her faster than most normal people and she felt bad for running ahead, but if there were already police at the building, she could at least run back and warn them. She pauses just in front of the building and sees that there are only litter bots still there. She waits at the door for them to arrive. [@ReaptheMusic][@PaulHaynek]