[@Twisted Fate][@Stairdweller] "I'll be fine in a little bit," Jazz lies, looking at Bobby. She cringes as he begins to bandage up her wounds and she looks passed him toward the aggressors. "Damn, these things are tougher than I originally thought." She notices two other Zoners going after an electrokinetic aggressor. She looks towards Bobby. "We need to take down those big ones. Those two--" She points to Kayla and Henry, "Are getting that one. We need to take out the one with the gun." She points to the other big aggressor. She points upward and begins to explain. "I can draw his fire from above, get him to target me with his gun while you two--" She looks over at Jared, who is slowly becoming unconscious. She raises an eyebrow. "--or you yourself attacks from the ground. With my leg, I won't be as much help on the ground, but you don't need legs to fly. Or to bob and weave." She grins and him and stands up carefully, putting her weight onto her non-injured leg. She nods to him before she leaps up into the air, her wings catching the current once more. She flies overhead and begins to wave her arms at the aggressor. She feels the blood seeping from her wound and she cringes, but she keeps going. "Hey, you! Big, fat and ugly! Yeah, you!" The aggressor turns toward her and aims the minigun toward her. Her eyes widen as he begins to shoot and she begins to bob and weave. "Okay, maybe this was a bad idea."