Name: Louis Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière Nicknames/Aliases: None Gender: Male Birthday: August 3 Age: 17 Class: Princes Occupation: None Species: Human Appearance: [hider=Louis][img][/img][/hider] Clothing Style: Seen in Appearance Personality: Louis has a self esteem problem. Having grown up second in everything, he often finds himself struggling to be important, or better in something. It's a fight that sometimes consumes him, as he's been known to push himself to unreasonable levels to be good enough for anything. He puts a lot of work into being as aloof and distant as he can be, but it's a behavior that runs counter to his nature. Louis is a very passionate person, often guided by his heart, with his brain relegated to working out the logistics. So despite how hard he tries to keep his emotions buried away, they always manage to free themselves easily. Also, as a side effect of being raised in a castle with little to no interaction with the world outside, he is rather ignorant of said world Hometown: Tristania Likes: Being recognized for his accomplishments, feeling like he matters Dislikes: Being compared to his brother, feeling redundant, being useless Past/History: As the second son of the Vallière family, not much was expected of Louis. In fact, for most of his life, he was treated as his older brother Crow's backup, something that vexed him to no end. That said, he didn't hate his brother. In fact, his brother was the only person to treat him like he even mattered. Growing up, the two of them were very close. Having to live in his brother's shadow was very hard to do. Not only was his brother an extremely charismatic person, but he was also quite brilliant, as well as an accomplished swordsman. Young Louis couldn't find a single field where he could surpass his brother. His relatively quiet life came to an end when his family's castle came under attack one day. To his bewilderment, it wasn't an army, but a single person according to what he heard while making his way to his parent's room, with dead guards scattered throughout the building. When he got there, he found both of his parents dead. The killer was never found, and to make matters worse; Crow was missing. With Louis to young to take charge, his family's adviser was placed in charge until he was old enough. In the meantime, Louis was secretly sent to a remote village for his own protection, out of the public view. Unable to just sit around waiting, Louis came up with an idea that only worked in his perpetually second mind set; go out on his own and find his brother and his parent's murderer.